Author Topic: Why the HECK was the QB79 dropped ?  (Read 4088 times)

Offline spysir

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Why the HECK was the QB79 dropped ?
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:23:39 AM »
Darn poor timing in my mind! Why Ron Robinson took second place at the 2009 FT Nationals with a bulk QB (could this have been used to promote sales? Ya buddy) . Personally I just hadnt heard of this model (have owned several QB78's) and really like the idea of a regulated FT rig for under $200-w/hpa bottle, but alas Xisco/TF/or? has now decided not to have these rifles available, everyone I tried is out and have no idea weither or not they may come back on the market. Reckon Crosman will benifit? And what were the same minds thinking trying to come out with the not close to right PCP QB?
 Anyone have one they would let go of at a fair price? Anyone want to trade a Gamo 1000 Shadow or a Beeman S1 for one?



Offline lastmanout

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Re: Why the HECK was the QB79 dropped ?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2010, 02:26:29 PM »
I have one and like it alot. Did you try ArcherAirguns?

Offline billharmon2

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RE: Why the HECK was the QB79 dropped ?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2010, 02:58:26 AM »
Is this gun really done? I like mine and would like another one. The only way I can see doing it now is to buy a 79 tube and gas block from Archer. Then convert the gun. That adds almost $50 to cost so I will have to think about it. Luckily I have one. It will never be sold now. If we could get some input from the distributors on this that would be great.

Offline Coaldust

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Re: Why the HECK was the QB79 dropped ?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2010, 12:24:02 PM »
I just purchased and received a QB79 from ^*^()(%*^$%^)()(&( alresdy tuned for 190.00 shipped, in fact I received the rifle 3 days ago on 1/13 . contact info is Richard Imhoff 616-863-0116
Ronald Woodruff NRA and TEXAS RIFLE ASSOC LIFE MEMBER, Rich From Mich tuned QB78 and QB79, Mike Melick tuned QB2078, Crosman custom shop 2400KT, and Benjamin Marauder

Offline larspawn

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Re: Why the HECK was the QB79 dropped ?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2010, 01:08:05 PM »
My guess is that they want to push people to the new PCP rifle which will be >$200 versus a $90 QB79.  A lot of people are turning their 79s into HPA with a regulated bottle.  So to avoid the competition the manufactuer is eliminating the platform.  That's my sneaky suspicion.  They'll keep the 78 because the gas tube is too weak for much more than 1200 psi so you can't really make that into a HPA.  They'll also sell a retrofit kit to turn the 78s into the new PCP.  

There was a tank block for sale on the Yellow for about $20.  You can cut down your 78 tube and fit the block on to make a 79 variant.  I'm going to guess that the ratio of 78:79 was like 4 or 5:1 so finding someone willing to sell a 79 variant might be hard.  Especially now that the manufacturer isn't selling them anymore.

Glad I've got three and I aint sellin!

Guns:  One less than too many...

Offline spysir

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Archer may have them,
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2010, 01:14:44 PM »
but they are out of town for a while and a good bit more money than what most other dealers were charging. At $90.00 shipped I really wanted one, they do have better triggers than a Discovery and the idea of a reg hpa rigs sounds nice (even if it looks a little odd). Perhaps Xisco will get in another batch in which case I do think I would grab one at a good price.
