Author Topic: Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......  (Read 4150 times)

Offline TAJ45

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Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......
« on: January 23, 2010, 07:39:59 AM »
I propose a change from the Gamo tgt which the competitors print at home to the std  ISSF 10m air rifle tgt?  That way we can order those tgts printed on tagboard, easier to score and are pluggable.  RE plugging a tgt:  Is it done only once per hole in question?  I know if I replug a .22 BE hole, the second time isn't too bad, but the third time it is getting sloppy.  This usually occured when my wife wanted to see/learn.

As Big Bill mentioned some time back, enough shooters are getting the skills to necessitate considering a move up in difficulty.

If anyone wonders why the NRA tgts cut cleaner holes and don't tear as easily, it is because they avoid the long grain pulp (which is what the better bond paper has) and mix clay in with the pulp paste/gorp to make the paper.  The clay must be very hard on the cutting equipment but sure do help give it "body".

How about it guyz & galz?
Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2010, 06:47:32 PM »
Going with the regulation 10m ISSF AR target is fine for "some" of us.  But IMHO the vast majority of the shooters will not be able to shoot the regulation ISSF 10m AR target offhand.  The regulation AR target is a world class/OLYMPIC level target.  The entire 10m AR target out to the 1 ring will fit well inside the 8 ring of the Gamo target.  The regulation target is just too tough for the average shooter, especially if you are shooting a spring sportster.  If a goal is to get more shooters, a HARD target will push potential shooter away from the matches.  However, there are options.

One option is to have 2 shooter "classes" using 2 different targets ;
#1 a "general" class, with a larger target sized for the majority of the shooters, and
#2 a regulation class with a regulation target which is the same as the ISSF/NRA regulation target.  
A shooter would compete in their own class (B = general or A = regulation) shooting the target specified for that class.
This 2 class system would provide an easier target for the new or casual shooter to shoot on, and as they get better they can progress/graduate to the more difficult regulation target.

Here another target forum could be opened labeled "10m OFF HAND AIR RIFLE MATCH - REGULATION TARGET"
And here the target would be the regulation ISSF/NRA 10m AR target.

Granted this would reduced the number of shooters in the current 10m match, but that is the cost.  Everyone shoot a "one size fits all" target or split the shooters to 2 different groups.

BTW many of the National Target targets tear rather badly.

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2010, 07:23:01 PM »
I forgot to mention that the AP guys have this separate forum/match.  This is the "10m TARGET AIR PISTOL MATCH," which I think uses the regulation 10m AP target.  I say "I think" because I do not have the ring specs for the specified target, but by description it appears to be a regulation 10m AP target.

Offline TAJ45

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Re: Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2010, 11:51:27 PM »

I surely understand not making the difficulty exceptionally high.  Splitting it up sounds like a solutution, fine by me.  Yeah, that one ring and its buddies are score eaters.

As far as National Tgt, seems they offer two grades/wgts and American out of Denver too?  For some reason I've bought mine from American, even though living on the E coast.  Guess it was just what I had left over from living in Indiana.  I agree, the lighter wgts are only marginally better than the long grained paper and only made that mistake once.

I'd sure like to know your personal shooting history ac12.  You can lay'em in there.  I always like to see skill manifest.  PM me or E me if you'd like to chat.......taj45ATcharterDOTnet

Dang, this AG stuff is addicting................whoo hoo ! ! !
Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2010, 12:15:07 PM »
I've only been shooting since about 2000, but have had to lay off for the past few years for a variety of reasons.  And I'm aching to get back to shooting.

I do not have access to wide open spaces like many of the guys here so I concentrated on 10 meter target shooting which I can do at home.
I shot primarily 10m AP (with an old CO2 Walther CPM-1) and some 10m AR, to give me a break from the AP.  I shot primarily on my own, with a few AP matches thrown in.
My early days shooting 10m AR was a disaster.  I had trouble just keeping all 10 shots inside the 1 ring (and a few completely missed the target), and this was with a 10m match rifle not a sportster.  Out of frustration and despiration I got some AR coaching, which rebuilt my foundation and got me to shooting 80% average.  As AR was always secondary to AP, I did not spent the practice time to get my AR scores higher.
Although not having shot for a while, when I start up again both my AP and AR scores will surely take a nasty hit.

Shooting an AP60 (60 shot match), I averaged about 530-540/600.  88-90%
Shooting an AP40, I averaged about 350-360/400,  88-90%

Shooting an AR40 (w/o shooting outfit), I averaged about 320/400, 80%
Shooting the old AR Req30 (w/o shooting outfit), I averaged about 240/300, 80%
Since I do not shoot AR competitively, I don't have the shooting outfit (jacket, pants and boots).

I've taught/coached a few individual junior training sessions, and my own rather rocky start, which is where I got my opinion about the difficulty for casual shooters to shoot the regulation targets.
Example, right now for my training/starter rifle I use a Daisy 953 with a red dot sight shooting at 10m AP targets.  The red dot sight is very easy for a new shooter to see and use (compared to both iron and scope), and the 10m AP target is big enough that shooter confidence is not shaken.  I'm planning to modify my home range to allow for a 5 or 6 meter shooting position to give me more options.  Right now I'm fixed at 10 meters.

One of my beliefs is that you have to keep the new shooter interested to keep them shooting.  One way is to not get them frustrated.  I do this by using an "easy" target to give them the self-confidence, and as they get better migrate them to harder targets.  In fact I use a large 2 ring starter target, the black bull and the outer white.  The first goal is to keep all shots inside the white ring (not always easy) and then practice to get at all shots inside the black ring.  I also use a swinging target for some "action" fun to break the tedium of shooting paper.

Offline TAJ45

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Re: Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2010, 12:45:35 PM »
Good gracious Dude, you need to make yourself known on the 10m Target AP competitions.  For someone who has laid out of shooting, you squeeze a pretty consistent trigger.  I agree, gotta keep it fun, for anybody.  If it isn't fun, why bother??  I surely am liking this AG thing.  Want to attend an FT match when possible - that could be fun too.  Oops, time to hit the sack, early go tomorrow.  Thanks for the reply.  How about popping me an e so I can get your addy logged.  I like to talk shooting and scores and tecnique.  I am really wandering around the offhand venue - just don't know what I am supposed to be doing rather than possibly reinforcing bad habits.
Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Target suggestion.........10m offhand.......
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2010, 05:43:36 AM »
Compared to some of the guys I shot with at the AP matches, I'm a poor runner up.