Author Topic: Izzy is on the way.  (Read 6355 times)

Offline JQR

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Izzy is on the way.
« on: January 25, 2010, 10:42:52 AM »
Despite having no income at the moment I decided that it would be ok to spend my birthday money on myself (don't worry, not going to lose the house and no-one will go hungry). Ordered up a 46M. Was set on the MAC1 iteration but ended up going with the standard, I hope I don't regret that until I can afford the upgrade work. :-) The pistol and some appropriate ammo went a tad above my budget, not to mention the other 10,000 pellets some new scope rings (including a mount for the IZZY - just in case)....

Anyway, shooting the matches has been 'hit or miss' (pun intended). I actually did shoot all my usual ones last week but made the mistake of waiting until Sunday evening to post and, well, um... it just slipped my mind. A new gun always motivates me so I'll make absolutely sure I shoot and post all the other matches before Thursday. Once the Izzy gets here I might not be able to put it down for a few days.

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RE: Izzy is on the way.
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 10:45:36 AM »
Congrat's on the new shooter and Happy Birthday and it's a great present to yourself.:0 Keep us updated on your shooter and your progress with her. Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline TAJ45

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Re: Izzy is on the way.
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 12:28:11 PM »
You will absolutely LUV me.  Looking fwd to seeing you on the 10m Match pistol entries.
Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.

Offline JQR

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Re: Izzy is on the way.
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 09:33:38 AM »
Been a busy week, which blows my mind. When did I get all this stuff done when I had a job??  Anyway, I didn't practice as much as I thought I would.

Just shot the 10m match which I've been shooting with a 1377.... I did NOT beat my best, or even my 2nd or 3rd best scores (all shot with the 1377).

I have a wide palm which makes most of the grip (in stock form) rather comfy, but I have short fingers so my non-trigger fingers don't quite wrap far enough around the grip to get a good hold. I need some finger grooves as time allows.  I think with the finger grooves and maybe putting one of the narrower front sight blades in I'll be able to build a little more consistency.  Couple more matches to shoot after my birthday dinner settles and I'll get to posting.

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Izzy is on the way.
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2010, 11:05:38 AM »
Take a look at these links to fit your grip.

The IZH-46 grips are bulky to give you material to grind away to fit your hand.

I have short finger also, and had to REALLY GRIND down the backstrap of the grip of my Walther so I could reach the trigger. I removed at least 1/4 inch of wood.  At the top of the backstrap, I have about 1mm of wood left before I break thru to the inside of the grip.

Offline TAJ45

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Re: Izzy is on the way.
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2010, 11:46:19 AM »
AC12 has hit it on the head for me also.  Even with the trigger adjusted to the rear (it is a sliding dovetail, EZ adjustment) I still need to remove mat'l from the BACKSTRAP.  And this with a decent sized paw with normal length fingers.  It still is not a "warm fuzzy" grip that I slide into with ease.  I'm not much on finger grooves - at this time.  I think it would take more than several tries for those to be spot on as I mature with the grip portion of consistency and things would change a bit from month to month as I settled in.
Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.  Hit the target!  All else is twaddle.

\"Speed is fine but accuracy is final.\"  Wyatt Earp, 1888.

Offline ac12basis

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Re: Izzy is on the way.
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2010, 05:08:27 PM »
When you remove too much wood (cuz it is bound to happen) go to ACE Harward and get a 2 part epoxy putty.  That is what a grip guy used when he worked on my grips.  Cures and can be worked on in in minutes, vs the plastic wood that I used and which took DAYS to cure to workable state and outgassed vapor for a few weeks as it cured...and the outgas SMELLED like vinegar...phew.

A "comfortable" grip may not be a correct grip.  The grip need to work to control the pistol, especially a front heavy pistol like the IZH46.  
I don't use finger groves, just a FLAT front.  You could stair-step it for each finger, which would be easier and less critical than doing groves.
Hint:  Remove the grip and wrap the action w plastic (saran wrap) to keep the dust out of the mechanism.  But you will need to be able to access the trigger and have clear view of the sights to do the fitting.

Offline JQR

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Re: Izzy is on the way.
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 04:08:07 AM »
Yeah, my backstrap probably is probably the 'right' place to start but I like the way my hand wraps the grip and where my finger hits the trigger, what i don't like is my other finger tips pinching the edge on the other side of the grip. That's where I was talking about carving some grooves. I'll make them shallow but I need to get rid of the 'sharp' edge on that side of the grip.

And yes - that epoxy putty stuff has found many uses around my house.