Author Topic: Bushnell Laser Rangefinder  (Read 5250 times)

Offline Wingman115

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Bushnell Laser Rangefinder
« on: February 05, 2010, 08:32:07 AM »
Was out in Santee at Wal Mart this morning and cruised the sporting goods area. I came across the Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 on closeout for $156 dollars. I knew it wasn't the best Laser but hey for around $150 dollar I said let's try it. So I purchased it and brought it home and broke out the tape measure and I have to say for airgun use it's right on the money. Two thumbs up from this airgunners so if anyone is interested they have about 5 or 6 more on the peg in the sporting goods dept.
I preformed my test by measuring out 20 30 and 40 yards and  Then measuring with the laser finder each reading was right on the money.
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Offline Casey.Robertson

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Re: Bushnell Laser Rangefinder
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 11:48:58 AM »
Nice find!  If you are able to try bringing it out to the field on Sunday.  We can laser some distances to get an idea of what sight lines or areas would be good for targets.  Plus we could measure our longest usable distance, we might be able to squeak in 100 yards.  :-)

Offline Wingman115

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Re: Bushnell Laser Rangefinder
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 12:19:58 PM »
I will.  If Rich brings his we can test it to see how close they are in judging distance.
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Offline Wingman115

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Re: Bushnell Laser Rangefinder
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2010, 03:29:17 PM »
Ok I tested the Laser Range finder against Rich's Nikon and they were on the money! That really makes me happy.
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Mac1 Tuned Crosman 2240, Crosman AS2250XT, Hammerli/RWS 850 Air Magnum, Gamo BigCat 1200, Dasiy 990,Crosman 1377

Offline TCups

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RE: Bushnell Laser Rangefinder
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2010, 09:09:56 PM »
I have an older Bushnell Yardage Pro I bought used for $100.  It seems to be very accurate if the target is out in the open.  If you are bouncing the laser off a flat paper target in an open field, it works flawlessly.  If you are trying to range small game in heavy woods -- not so good.  The difference between the higher end models and the low end models (like the Bushnell) appears to be in part the ability of the optics to reliably discriminate and range small, individual targets.  One "fix" is to find a large tree or some other relatively large, reflective surface at the same distance as the range in of a small target.  For example, instead of trying to range the squirrel, try to find the range of the tree trunk the squirrel is in.  One other potential drawback of the Bushnell I own is that the range is displayed in black LCD  digits, without a backlight.  It is hard to read  in low light, and useless after dark.

Offline Wingman115

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Re: Bushnell Laser Rangefinder
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2010, 02:20:15 AM »
True statement at low light it's hard to see the graphics on the display. When I'm shooting to range hard to read object sometimes I laser the base to get a better reading it seems to pick it up pretty good. I don't get to fired up cause I have to remember how much I payed for it.. For the money it works ok..Not the best but ok..
2010 Critter Count

Mac1 Tuned Crosman 2240, Crosman AS2250XT, Hammerli/RWS 850 Air Magnum, Gamo BigCat 1200, Dasiy 990,Crosman 1377