Author Topic: Daisy 953 Results  (Read 4941 times)

Offline Fatman

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Daisy 953 Results
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:41:07 PM »

I know, I know I’ve covered some of this before and I do run on a bit, but it’s an attempt to share what I’ve  learned and maybe help someone out there who wants to learn to shoot target but lacks the funds and the facility to “do it proper”.  I’ll keep it short I promise.

The gun:  

 A Daisy 953 with the Pilkington trigger mod, an Archer Airguns adjustable butt pad, and the Daisy Avanti Precision Diopter (753) front and rear sights (see previous posts if you are interested in the details).

Your results may vary, but here goes:

On a good day I can get 5 shot groups between 3mm and 5mm. center to center, shooting offhand at 5 meters (all the room I have at present).  Less than stellar I know, but with 65 year old eyes, some health issues and a less than athletic physique (read: couch potato), the 953’s got to be keeping up its end.  
I use cheap Daisy wadcutters, and a South Summit pellet trap and targets.  The black circle on these targets is only about 1” in diameter, which helps compensate somewhat for the reduced distance.  Oddly enough the scoring rings go from 1 to 12.  No idea what that‘s all about.
The most worthwhile improvements:

The Pilkington trigger tune and a good set of sights.  They are mandatory to get the best out of this gun.
Practice, dry firing and the book “Ways of the Rifle 2009“.  Ok, it costs almost as much as the rifle ($65.00) and there’s so much information it’s intimidating.  It’s still the best bang for your buck (no pun intended).  Give it a chance and you will see results.  I was saving  up the money for a Walther 753 Target barrel but I came to my senses.  I saw that the shooter needed improving far more than the rifle did and I got the book instead.  I’m glad I did.
What next?  Now that Walther 753 Target barrel,  Hmmmm……. might have to start saving again.

I have far too much time on my hands.


Offline ac12basis

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Re: Daisy 953 Results
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2010, 03:16:58 AM »
Try shooting off a rest to determine the tightest group the rifle will shoot.
It might be tight enough that you do not need to spend the $ for a Walther barrel.  I'm not even sure if you can replace the barrel.

Offline Fatman

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Re: Daisy 953 Results
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2010, 04:40:19 PM »
Hi ac12basis:

Thanks for your input.

I don't have any room for a rest in my very cramped indoor range (standing room only).  I'll have to wait for the spring thaw to get outdoors. It'll take that long for me to save up the money anyway. If the barrel proves accurate enough, I'll have at least have some money put aside (I need an incentive). It's 40' from my patio to the fence out back so that will be the real test.
Hmmmm....could use some of that money to bulld a folding bench get some better pellets, maybe even a cheap Walmart Daisy Scope for some serious pellet testing.
I did call Daisy and my understanding is that the 753 barrel comes as an assembly (#17 on the parts diagram) and consists of the barrel press fit into the valve body, a compression tube (#16) and the valve innards.  I believe it also requires the 753 Avanti Reciever (#6) as the valve body has a different contour and won't fit the 953 reciever, but the upgrade is supposed to be possible if anyone is interested. For anyone considering it, I would suggest calling Daisy to confirm whats needed before placing an order though.

I have far too much time on my hands.
