Author Topic: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)  (Read 10116 times)

Offline DanoInTx

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XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« on: April 08, 2007, 03:32:21 PM »
Welp, after some long deliberation and a trip to visit my buddy Steve and his PCP guns, I finally took the plunge over into the Darkside!!!

Now mind you, the Darkside is daunting when you consider the gun price, then the scope, then the pump, the fittings, etc, etc, etc....and who wants to pump their guns up when they can just crack open the barrel and shoot, or plunk in a fresh CO2 cartridge and shoot with no headaches???  Well, you have to shoot one to understand, once you get past the pumping and the empty bank account, you have got power at the tip of your fingers with very little felt's sureal, really, really enjoyable to shoot.  So I began shopping and reading and deciding, and selling off my other guns, until I had some cash built up.  Not a ton of cash, but enough to start doing some serious looking around.  The problem with buying a PCP for me was all of the extra stuff I had to buy to make it shoot, like a pump....pumps aren't cheap, but I looked around and found a used FX pump used for $150 shipped!  Once I had the pump found, I needed something to pump up with it, so now I'm $150 poorer, and still need fill nipples and such...hehe, I said nipples:)   I looked at the Sumatras, the BSA Techstar, the Careers, and even the Air Force gun looked real promising the Air Arms S200...but then I started looking at the Chinese BAM 50/51 guns.  $300 for a B50 in .177, brand spankin' new, and there are TONS of mods for this gun....I'm a tinkerer, cannot forget that I love to tinker.  So I put that guy on order, the only thing I still needed was the fill adapters....contacted Roy Weid at Mountain Air and he pointed me to Pyramid where I got the quick disconnect adapter for $16+ shipping.  Finally got everything shipped and assembled last thursday and got a chance to really shoot it yesterday.

Took the gun out to my yard and ran it across the chrony so I'd have some clue as to how it might work out.  Shot about 20 shots with CPHP's and ran from 1060fps down to 997fps.  That took me from 200bar down to 150 bar.  Not very efficient, but this is just out of the box, no tinkering yet.  It takes me about 30-35 pumps to go back up to 200bar, so about 2 pumps per shot, I can live with that.  I think if someone is in halfway decent shape once past the initial 200 bar charge, as long as you don't let the gun drop down to nothing, pumping it back up is no problem.  I quit smoking 3+ months ago and have gained some extra weight, I have a few issues with damaged elbows, knees, back, etc.....and I can pump this thing up without too much complaining, it's not that hard.

I DID tinker a little bit, I did a trigger tune/adjustment because out of the box the trigger wasn't bad, but it was poorly adjusted.  I have no trigger pull gauge, but this triger is pretty nice!!!  My biggest complaint with the trigger is once you get it really adjusted right, the safety doesn't work so well...and I've been reading that I'm not the only person with this issue.  I bought the standard sporter B50 rather than the thumbhole, so I can't comment on the thumbhole, although I'm guessing most of the stock issues I have would be the same regardless.  The length of pull (LOP= distance from center of butt pad to the face of the trigger blade) I did NOT measure it, but just comparing it to my other rifles, I would guess it's about 16 inches.  I am 6 feet tall, and I found this stock very uncomfortable primarily because of the long LOP.  The other issue I have with the stock is the placement of the trigger from the grip area....I've been lucky enough to get my hands on some really nice stocks and grips, so I could be a little biased, but man my hands are NOT big enough for this stock to work, and I don't think ANYONE has hands that big.  The thumbhole stock may be different, I've only ever seen pictures...but I doubt it fits much better.  I took my gun to visit my airgun bud Master Stockmaker Steve Corcoran yesterday.  He held this thing and said,"Man, this thing is HUGE!".  A quick trip to Steve's shop, his bandsaw, sander, and Voila!!! A stock I can shoot with!!!!  Took him about 10 minutes to cut about an inch off of the stock and reshape the buttpad to fit, I played with the cats running all over his yard while this was going on....I'm alot of help:)  Fixing the LOP did not fix the grip to trigger issue, but at least I don't have to pretend I'm a giraffe to snake my neck around this thing anymore.  This WILL get new wood once I can afford it.  

So how does it shoot?  Well I'd love to say it shoots dime sized groups at 20 yards, but I can't because I shot no groups with it.  What I can say is that I can hit a soda can at a distance where I can't see the soda can without a scope.  Steve had his range estimating scope focussed in on 4 cans that we set way out on his property....that scope focussed in at just under 200 yards.  I tried my range estimating scope and got just under 200yards also.  I know these things aren't perfect, but man, it was a long way out there, and I was hitting the can 1 out of 5-7 shots with a huge amount of holdover.  Steve was shooting his Air Arms S410 .22 and he was able to hit the cans slightly more oftenned than me, but the scope I have on the B50 is only a it was pretty hard to even see those cans clear at that distance...I think Steve's scope is a 4x16x40.  I don't know if it was really 200 yards, but even if it was only 150, that is incredable!!!  I have to say I am hooked!!!  This gun is too loud for me to shoot in my suburban backyard, but it is great to shoot where you have space.  I think eventually I WILL fork over the dough and buy the Air Arms S200, as it is moderated from the factory, and has a better power range for my backyard.  This doesn't mean I will get rid of my B50, this is a sweet shooter, and for what I paid for it, it is definately a tinkerers dream!  The stock issues I will overcome, the trigger is sweet albeit without a proper safety, and the raw power is nice and with a proper heavy pellet my 20fpe would probably go a bit higher.  I think I will detune it a little for more consistancy, replace the wood, and then it will be a great gun that I can shoot year round unlike my CO2 guns.

pump $150 shipped
gun $299 shipped
quick adapter from Pyramid Air $16 - $1.60 (10% coupon code) + $8.19 shipping $22.59

Scope and rings I had, but I need something bigger me thinks.

For under $500 this was a good transition to the Darkside, and now that I have the pump my next one will be easier to buy:)


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline dw33

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RE: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 04:56:07 PM »
Good write up, Dano.  Now if only I could talk myself into buying a PCP, lol.  Doesn't Mountain Air sell a shroud for the BAM?

Offline shadow

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RE: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 12:02:56 AM »
That was a nice reveiw Dano and I like the idea of hitting something that have to use a scope to see. :) Dano said nipple's hehe, hope you post some pic's........ of the gun :p  ,poor chrony. :0 Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline nyairman

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RE: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2007, 10:59:32 AM »
Great review Dan. Impressive young Skywalker 8) . Just kidding. To shoot a soda can that one can only see with a scope is well, really awesome to say the least. I am hearing something,..yes, someone is saying,...Luke...I am your father..come to the dark side,..its your destiny Luke. But then I take out my CFX and shoot that plastic army man that I can't see at 70ft with my eyes and take his head off with my 4x scope hehe! May the force be with you!

Good luck with the PCP. Someday I too will have to get me one of those PCP's. Again, great review Dan. :D

Do not ever forget 9-11-01

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (shorter...:))
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2007, 11:23:10 AM »
Hey Dano, I would not expect anything less than your great objective review...:)  Yes it is different shooting those PCP's.. Just the fact that you have little or no recoil is amazing.. hehe.. Now it looks like we both have two cannons when we shoot them... lol.. You with your Bam 50 and my Samatra.. hehe. I bet if we both would shoot our PCP's in your back yard together, we would get tared and feathered and run out of town.. hehehe

Also I think that the part of your review about the cost of a PCP is great.. Point is that in my early stage of airgunning, I would hear alot of negative things about how expensive it is to get into a PCP.. Which initially when going the way you and I went with a pump makes it much more affordable.. And after you have the pump you do not have to buy another one.. hehe. Just more PCP's :) I am sure after you do your tinkering and mods on the valving and wood, that you will have a fantastic shooter you will not ever want to part with..

With that said buddy, I love my springers because of the challenges and now that I am getting deeper into what makes them tick, I will always be a springer kinda guy...hehe.. But I do like to pull out my Samatra again and again to feel the awsome power it has. Plus my FX Cyclone is so sweet to shoot, and accuracy is the ultimate..:)

Thanks again Dano for a fantastic review and for sharing with us.. Keep us in the loop on everything you do with your new baby...:)


THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2007, 03:00:45 PM »
Yea, there are some good shrouds around.  I think I am actually going to need another gun for backyard shooting, this thing is just too much.


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2007, 03:01:46 PM »
Hehe, yea, nipples.....speaking of which my dumb fill nipple sprung a leak today.  I had a fresh oring for it, came with the gun.....guess the Chinese guys saw that coming:)


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2007, 03:05:30 PM »
Plastic army men are my favorite thing to shoot at, would be trickier if they could shoot back:)  I like to take those guys out with a 2240 and a Red Dot sight at 10 yards, very tough to do over and over again:)


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2007, 03:12:53 PM »
I like all sorts of air guns, springers, CO2's, don't like pumpers much, and now PCP's.  Pretty much like them all for one reason or another.  I will get another springer eventually, I have that R9 in my sights in the far off distance,....distant, but in my sights:)  The B50 is a gas gun like my CO2's, but I can shoot it year round, that part appeals to I just need to figure out where my wife hid my wallet and.............


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline shadow

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2007, 11:42:45 PM »
Here he go's again LOL. Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2007, 12:59:39 AM »
Yeppers, once you go PCP you'll not turn back too easily.  Once I got my Talon SS I almost never touch my springers.  The accuracy (largely due to my own failings of not perfecting the springer hold) is addictive and being able to plink a can 8 out of 10 times at 100 yards with open sights is very addictive.  I just wish there were more PCP available that offered the option of open sights.

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2007, 09:27:50 AM »
Don't know about shooting eggs at 100 yards with open sights Bob..:)  With my eyes, it is hard to see a big target at 40 yards.. lol  I have read about many guys who switched to the PCP's "Dark Side".. and never went back..  I must be the odd one out.. :) I love my springers and love the challenge they give me to hit that spot every time.. I find with my FX Cyclone I get bored after a while because it is almost impossible to miss... lol    Go figuere..:) I really do like shooting the FX and it makes for the best small game rifle because of the 8 round clips.. and the fact that I can get around 40 shots per full fill and only be down to 1900 psi.. Oh well, a couple of my springers are very good small game shooters as well but would rather take the FX when I know it is just for a couple hours..

Long live the springers and lets hope the PCP's get cheaper.. hehe

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #12 on: April 10, 2007, 12:20:17 PM »
I find with my FX Cyclone I get bored after a while because it is almost impossible to miss... lol Go figuere..

Hehe, that's when ya gots ta move the target back another 40 yards or so, make it to where you can't see it without the scope....then try hitting it every time:)  That FX sure does look like a nice rifle,........(Dano is already pondering what will be the next PCP).....huhm, yuppems, sure is a nice one.......:)


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline dw33

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Re: XS BAM 50 .177, FX pump, and the Darkside!!! (long)
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2007, 10:11:54 AM »
"lets hope the PCP's get cheaper"

Isn't that the truth.