Author Topic: SAN DIEGO  (Read 3542 times)

Offline dimons1

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« on: March 07, 2010, 04:17:13 AM »
Anyone wants to go target shooting next saturday (3/13)? I found a spot on BLM land. Its off 905. There is a lot of Border Patrol activity but they seemed not to care that I was shooting there. According to one BP agent you are allowed to shoot in that area. The only problem is you need a Truck or SUV to get there. 4x4 is not necessary. Here are the coordinates:  LAT 32.574947    LON -116.880397. I was shooting on that trail and you can get about 50-60 yards there (maybe even more if you are willing to climb around and setup targets). If anyone is interested let me know so we can set the time and a place to meet.