Author Topic: HW77 .22  (Read 9883 times)

Offline caplock

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HW77 .22
« on: April 08, 2010, 06:12:56 AM »
Hi all
Here's a tidy old girl that was bought back in the early eighties and has just undergone the fitting of a V mach tune kit to bring back on song after many years faithful and accurate service.

Things were getting a little wheezy recently with power dropping down to the mid 9's and the spring lacking its previous performance.

Gun was stripped, degunked in readiness for the VMach kit and generally found to be in tip top mechanical shape internally and externally.
Kit fitting was straight forward, following the manufacturers instructions and re assembled for test firing.
1st ten shots produced a faint odour of lubes burning as things settled down then performance was back on song with it's very characteristic snappy firing cycle and great stability.

200 shots later, all screws re checked for tightness, barrel pulled through and then down to some serious target work.
Shooting from a bench position on a cushioned rest, open palm support on fore end and light pressure on the pistol grip the attached target was shot at 30 yards will deliberate breathing and follow through after each shot. Pellets used were RWS Superdomes.

If you've never fired one, see if you can get your mitts on one. Nice heavy stable shooting platform and as good now in more modern company as it was when it first hit the market all those years ago. Now ready for another 20 years or more of faithful service.

Cheers all :)

Offline Magnum

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Re: HW77 .22
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 07:05:01 AM »
Hey caplock, That is a fine Ol girl you have for sure... nice work and some fine shooting well done:) Tony.

Offline caplock

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RE: HW77 .22
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 08:26:02 AM »
Thanks Tony :)

If anyone has one or would like to see the innards of one this chap here did a very detailed guide to reviving a tired and abused example

Cheers all

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: HW77 .22
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 10:37:15 AM »

I have to agree with Tony on this one..:) Great shooting and a fine shooter. Tony needs an HW-97 to add to his collection..:) My HW 97 is a .22 and makes even smaller groups since it is a .177...:) Thanks for the link as well John.

I saw that VMachkit I thinkon TW Chambers sight. Thought about buying another HW but the 77 and trying out that kit. I think they offer a couple different versions as well.

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline creeper

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Re: HW77 .22
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 11:01:55 AM »

Gene_SC - 4/8/2010  3:37 PM

I saw that VMachkit I thinkon TW Chambers sight. Thought about buying another HW but the 77 and trying out that kit. I think they offer a couple different versions as well.

Must have been someplace else Gene. The kit on the TW Chambers site is their kit... I bought one and I think that after you read below, you might want to reconsider buying one... unless you just have an overwhelming curiosity.

The T.W. Chambers "Ultra Premium" kit contains the following:
 1. A clear, thin bodied, golden color oil product (containing PTFE...  "shake well before using") called "Ultra lube". This lube is recommended  for the piston (only) and sliding compression chamber, as well as the  spring ends. It has the viscosity of a 10 or 20 wt motor oil.
 2. A heavy black grease product made from lithium and moly... shockingly  enough, called "Ultra grease". This is recommended for use on the  spring coils only. This is about the consistency of JM moly paste...  perhaps a bit thinner and quite "sticky".
 3. A spring... 10.625" in length, which is rectangular in wire  cross-section with slightly radiused "corners" and nicely finished  ends. Appears to be made by OX as they are the only square wire spring makers I'm aware of.
 4. Seals. A white parachute type piston seal and a clearish replacement breech seal. They appear to be OE parts.
 5. Spring guides. A front (piston) spring guide or tophat and a rear guide/cocking shaft sleeve with a little  thicker base shoulder than the stock steel two-piece guide assembly.  Both guides are made of a green nylon material and will free turn in the  spring, but otherwise have no radial clearance.
 So... what we have is an OX or OX type square spring, some nylon guides and a lubrication protocol that doesn't jive with anything I've ever seen. I installed the entire kit, but deviated from their instructions, using the Chambers moly on the piston and Macarri tar on the spring.

In side by side testing, there was no real improvement over a properly lubed but otherwise stock HW97K. Velocities are nearly identical, and if anything, the shot cycle in the stock gun is slightly quieter. Chances are I'll be removing the kit spring and rear guide at some point and reinstalling the stock parts.


Just some dude... move along, nothing to see here.

Offline caplock

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RE: HW77 .22
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2010, 11:34:41 AM »
Cheers guys, yep the chambers is an in house kit.
Can't comment on its performance as I've never personally fitted one

The V mach ( By Steve Pope) is a continuation of the sadly demised Webley Tuning house known as Venom of days gone by.
Blackpool Air Rifles (U.K) sell the kits as a major distributor for both 12 ft/lbs and for the higher energy versions.
Link below

Scroll down the left hand menu to VMach custom tuning

Custom piston seal and parts realy transform the good into the excellent.
Big following here, probably expensive when added against the cost of a stock new gun, but money well spent on keeping a good iron shooting after so much previous trouble free service.

Note for HW77 owners: Don't forget to check your rifles serial number to account for piston size changes from 25mm to 26mm during production. Explained in the BAR guide to vmach via serial number range

Cheers guys :)