Author Topic: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?  (Read 7745 times)

Offline outofstepper

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Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« on: April 18, 2010, 05:26:06 AM »
Hi all. Thinking out loud here --  Don't have a Disco (yet) -- but I'm leaning that way hard -- mostly
because of the apparent effectiveness of the TKO brake.

I've heard the TKO does a better job of quieting the 22 than it does the 177 -- anyone know how
much better?  I'm thinking 177 with the 6.5" TKO -- but could go 22 if its a lot quieter.

Anyway.. to the crazy bit.. I like the fact that the disco is compact .. and I'm not a big fan of set
screws on the TKO .. not to mention adding 6.5" to the end.  (though it doesn't really look bad from
the pix).

How plausible does this sound:  
1. cut 3" off the end of the disco barrel.  re-crown.
2. thread the disco barrel for about 1" or so (I'm assuming the barrel can be removed and chucked in
a lathe)
3. thread the ID on a TKO (or make a sleeve since its oversized for threading) -- and make it a screw-on?

I'm thinking of this to get some length out of the package without going to a shorter TKO.. and make
the attachment a little prettier without the set screws.  Not sure what taking 3" off the barrel might do.

Of course, I could leave well enough alone -- but am just thinking out loud here.

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2010, 06:43:04 AM »
Tony,,, I have a disco in .177 and .22 and both of them wear 6.5 inch TKO's.  The TKO's did a great job on both rifles and I didn't find that the TKO did better on either caliber,,, it just worked fantastic on both  :)

As for chopping the barrel and threading it......  I've never done either so I'll let other, more knowledgeable members give you advice on that....

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Offline outofstepper

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Re: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2010, 07:17:56 AM »
Jeff, thanks!  good to know.  I'd prefer the 177 (not much of a hunter) for the flatter trajectory.

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2010, 07:55:29 AM »
The nice thing is you can use the heavier .177 pellets if you decide to go hunting with it.  I did quite a bit of  hunting with my .177 and it does a fine job.

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Offline gmh45345

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RE: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2010, 09:53:09 AM »
I don't know how big the diameter is on the TKO Brake but if you cut the barrel back 3" it will be shorter than the  air tube and the brake may interfere.

Offline CitySniper

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RE: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2010, 11:40:43 AM »
The .22 Disco was my first PCP, also my first .22....and I will probably not buy another .177 caliber again.
 Just because of how efficient the .22 round actually is at traveling out to longer distance, and maintaining its energy. also with a heavier round it has less a chance of being affected my things like WIND.

There is a reason the tko has set screws and not threaded...unlike our brothers across the pond we in the good ol USA can't have MuzzleBrakes on our firearms. So if you were to say make a muzzlebrake the threaded and some how was able to fit an actual Gun with bullets.....YOU CAN GO TO JAIL

that why the mrod has fixed baffles/shroud from the factory.

p.s. unlike them in the UK at least we have over 12 ftlbs. lol
.177 Gamo CFX
.22 Benjamin Discovery
.22 Benjamin Marauder

Offline outofstepper

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Re: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2010, 12:40:24 AM »
Good point, City.  Hadn't thought that far ahead.

Offline DaveShooter

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Re: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2010, 04:39:36 AM »
Unless you have a class 3 permit or lic you are looking at serious jail time!!!!!

Offline outofstepper

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Re: Disco Surgery -- Thoughts?
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2010, 05:54:37 AM »
yeah that hit me with City's reply.  Seems a bit silly as its just another way of holding the same thing on.
But no argument from me.