Author Topic: Hammerli 850 pellet testing  (Read 11828 times)

Offline DougT

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Hammerli 850 pellet testing
« on: May 09, 2010, 10:31:48 AM »
****I posted this on the Yellow also, but thought you guys might find it intersting if you don't visit that site.****

I just finished modding my .22 Hammerli 850 and am getting 902 fps average with 14.3g pellets.  I went out this morning with 15 different types of pellets and shot a 5-shot group with each to see what this gun likes the best.  It was sunny, 75* and pretty calm.  Sandbag on the corner of the tailgate and sitting on a short stool.  Not the greatest setup but OK.  Targets are 1" circles and were at a measured 40 yards.  I didn't shoot the Predators as they won't fit into the 850 magazine.  Tank pressure started at 3100# before I shot 8 shots to zero the rifle with CPHP at 40 yards then this testing.  Ending pressure was 1950# with about 83 shots fired.  I could probably get another 10-12 more before the tank pressure drops below regulator pressure.

Most of the pellets shoot good or at least decent.  The heavier Beeman Crow-mags and Kodiaks would cork-screw all the way to the target and where they hit was up in the air with each shot.  The most surprising thing was that the RWS pellets didn't seem to shoot AT ALL except for the Meisterkugelns.  The RWS Superdomes shot a 5" group and the Superpoints shot an amazing 5.75" group!!!!!  AT 40 YARDS!!!!  I thought maybe the scope was loose, barrel was loose, crosshairs moving, etc.  I then shot a confirmation group in the lower-right corner with the Crosman Premier box and got a good group so it's the pellets themselves.  Probably weight/rifling twist rate don't work well together.

Tomorrow after work my shooting buddy, WadeS, and I will pull out the full-on shooting bench/sandbags.  We'll each shoot a 5-shot group with the better performing pellets to narrow it down to the best one.  Then it's time to order a couple tins of those pellets.
Hammerli 850 HPA .22 & Leapers 3-9x32  --  TF-89 .22 & Leapers 4x32
2010 air rifle kills
288 starlings
235 pigeons
6 crows
25 other birds
56 ground squirrels
3 tree squirrels

2009 air rifle kills
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Offline Wade.S

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Re: Hammerli 850 pellet testing
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2010, 03:18:38 PM »
Well Doug, it looks quite obvious which ones won't work.
2010 Air Rifle Kills
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Offline tunaboat

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RE: Hammerli 850 pellet testing
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 10:02:04 AM »
Doug I shot all the pellets that you and I had traded.  Your test results mirrored my experience.  The RWS pellets were not very good in my Katana although the superdomes were OK.   I can forget the Crowmags and the JBS pellets didn't fair too well either.  Beeman FTS pellets shoot ok.  The Crosman Premiers still rule however I would like to get some H & N pellets to try.  I still feel I havn't quite found the perfect pellet.  Keep us posted on your future testing.
I have a very strict gun control policy: if there\'s a gun around, I want to be in control of it. (Clint Eastwood)

Offline DougT

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RE: Hammerli 850 pellet testing
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2010, 04:44:14 PM »
WadeS and I went out again yesterday after work and shot a bunch of test groups.  We had the bench out with sandbags at 40 yards.  We would shoot a certain type of pellet 5X before WadeS would shoot a 5-shot group and then I would shoot a 5-shot group with the same pellet.  We eliminated about 1/2 the types from my previous test.  This time we tried the Crosman pointed, CPHP, Crosman Premiers (box), Benjamin Discovery HP, RWS MeisterK, JSB Express 14.3g and JSB Jumbo 15.8g.  Initially it was a perfect day for shooting but a stiff breeze came up about half way through testing, blowing straight at our back.

For WadeS, the Crosman Premiers from the box (0.7" c-t-c) and the JSB Express 14.3g (0.6" c-t-c) shot the best.  The rest of the pellets didn't shoot well for him.

For me, the Crosman Premiers from the box (0.7" c-t-c), the Crosman pointed (0.8" c-t-c) and both JSB pellets shot pretty well (0.4" c-t-c for the 14.3g, 0.8" c-t-c for the 15.8g).  

I'll go out a third time with just these four types and narrow it down to the final one.  Cost is also an issue.  The CP (box) and JSB pellets are about 3.6 cents per pellet while the CPHP and Crosman pointed are about 1.7 cents per pellet.

I read something on the Yellow this past week mentioning the faster a gun shoots, the fewer pellets it shoots well.  That seems to be the case here.  At closer to 800 fps, it shot all the Crosman and RWS pellets well, at least in 30 yard testing.  Now that my gun is at 900 fps, it seems more pellet picky.
Hammerli 850 HPA .22 & Leapers 3-9x32  --  TF-89 .22 & Leapers 4x32
2010 air rifle kills
288 starlings
235 pigeons
6 crows
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3 tree squirrels

2009 air rifle kills
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Offline DougT

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More testing - decision time is near.
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2010, 02:23:59 PM »
Did another pellet test session this morning.  70*, calm and lightly overcast: perfect day.  This time I chrono'd a bit as well.

Here is a pic of the six types I've narrowed it down to.  I didn't test the CPHP as I ran out last session.  40 yards, bench/bags.They all shot pretty well except the Beeman FTS.  The Crosman Premier (box, die #1) shot the best group followed closely by the JBS pellets.  The Crosman pointed pellets also shot pretty well.

average fps chrono results:
............................Muzzle......40 yards
Crosman pointed.....880...........690  
Crosman (box)........882...........731
JSB Express 14.3g...883...........750
JSB Jumbo  15.8g....852...........750
Beeman FTS............756...........???

The Crosman pointed are way cheaper, are available locally and shoot pretty well but loose velocity quicker than the rest.  
The Crosman Premier (box) are very accurate and retain their velocity pretty well but are more expensive and are special order.
The JSB Express 14.3g are very accurate and retain their velocity well but are more expensive and are special order.
The JSB Jumbo 15.8g are very accurate and tretain their velocity very well but are more expensive and are special order.

I need to order pellets this week and this is a tough decision.  What would your choice be and why?
Hammerli 850 HPA .22 & Leapers 3-9x32  --  TF-89 .22 & Leapers 4x32
2010 air rifle kills
288 starlings
235 pigeons
6 crows
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3 tree squirrels

2009 air rifle kills
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Offline tunaboat

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RE: More testing - decision time is near.
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2010, 11:25:14 AM »
Doug take advantage of Pyramyd Airs 3 plus one free deal.  Your other posts  on the hunting forum tell us your a hunter/pester, don't settle for the second best pellet if you know there is one better.  On the other hand it doesn't matter what you use to kill cans at 20 yds.  Just my 2 cents worth.
I have a very strict gun control policy: if there\'s a gun around, I want to be in control of it. (Clint Eastwood)

Offline adrian

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Re: Hammerli 850 pellet testing
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2010, 10:26:36 AM »
your gun seems to like jsb's,id go with them.

Offline Wade.S

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Re: Hammerli 850 pellet testing
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2010, 02:13:00 PM »
Doug, I think I agree with tunaboat. You can still use the other local one as a backup if you run out between orders.
2010 Air Rifle Kills
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Offline DougT

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RE: More testing - decision time is near.
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2010, 07:10:47 AM »
I think I'll go with the JSB 15.8g.  They seem to be as accurate as the CP (box) and JSB 14.3g but carry velocity better at further distances.

PA is out of stock on the JSB 15.8g, so I'll buy some locally until PA has them back in stock.
Hammerli 850 HPA .22 & Leapers 3-9x32  --  TF-89 .22 & Leapers 4x32
2010 air rifle kills
288 starlings
235 pigeons
6 crows
25 other birds
56 ground squirrels
3 tree squirrels

2009 air rifle kills
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Offline DougT

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Groups at different distances
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2010, 03:56:39 PM »
Last night I went out right at dusk and did some range testing with the new JSB 14.3g pellets I bought.  A quick 8-shot mag to zero at 40 yards.  It was getting darker by the minute so I aimed the truck headlights at the target and did the different tests.  Started at 40 yards, then carried the bench, gun & sandbags up 10 yards.  Shot another 5-shot group.  Carried the bench, gun & sandbags up 10 yards.  I wasn't taking a lot of time aligning, just get on target comfortably and pull the trigger.  After moving up to 20 yards, I then marched back to 70 yards.  It was about 50* and there was a light wind coming from the left-rear that was pretty constant but did die down during the 60 yard group.  Not too bad a group at 70 yards, considering the conditions.  These JSB's seem to perform very well and I shot 24 birds this morning at ranges of 20 yards to 70 yards.

Hammerli 850 HPA .22 & Leapers 3-9x32  --  TF-89 .22 & Leapers 4x32
2010 air rifle kills
288 starlings
235 pigeons
6 crows
25 other birds
56 ground squirrels
3 tree squirrels

2009 air rifle kills
181 various birds
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Offline DougT

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JSB pellet weights.....
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2010, 05:24:35 PM »
I just weight sorted 159 JSB 14.3g pellets and I found that most of them were either 14.3g or 14.4g.  Some were as low as 14.0g and some as high as 14.6g.  I'll take the 14.0g pellets and the 14.5/14.6g pellets and see what they do for grouping at 70 yards or so.  That 0.6g has to have some effect.  I'll try to attach a pic, but GTA has been on the fritz lately and hasn't let me or my buddy post pics.

Hammerli 850 HPA .22 & Leapers 3-9x32  --  TF-89 .22 & Leapers 4x32
2010 air rifle kills
288 starlings
235 pigeons
6 crows
25 other birds
56 ground squirrels
3 tree squirrels

2009 air rifle kills
181 various birds
57 various squirrels