Author Topic: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope  (Read 19029 times)

Offline grackledown

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A couple of months ago I decided to shop for a reasonably priced new scope for my go to hunting rifle, my home tuned RWS 34 Panther. The scope I had on it was a decent one, but I needed a scope with an illuminated reticle. As my user name suggests my primary quarry is the loathsome grackle. The problem is that when you put a black reticle on a black target it is sometimes difficult to clearly see your intended point of impact. So I purchased a Leapers 5TH Gen 4-16x50mm scope only to return it because of those godawful zero lock/reset adjusting turrets. Without getting into details, lets just say I found them to be one big P.I.T.A.  I have heard that Centerpoint scopes are basically rebadged Leapers. The Centerpoint Adventure Class is the equivalent of the Leapers 5TH Gen scopes. These scopes have one inch tubes. There is also the much more expensive Centerpoint Power Class/Leapers Accushot line that have 30mm tubes. But then I discovered a scope from the Centerpoint Adventure Class line that is different. The first thing I noticed was that Leapers does not have a 4-16x40 in their 5TH Gen line, only a 4-16x50. Then I discovered the most important thing. The Centerpoint 4-16x40, and only the 4-16x40, has the same adjusting turrets that are found on the expensive Power Class/Accushot series. Instead of those horrible zero lock/reset turrets, it has a lock ring at the base of the turrets. I found this to be a very user friendly and well thought out design. This was what I was looking for. But it doesn't end there. This scope has a generous 3.9 inches of eye relief, a big plus for me. It also has an objective that is adjustable down to 5 yards. But wait there is more. At 18.8 ounces this is a pretty light scope for a 4-16x40. And at only 14.5 inches it would probably be suitable for most fixed barrel rifles. It even came with a set of 1 inch Weaver rings (something I don't need, but some folks might). Finally, even the much maligned lens caps seem to be of better quality and are actually usable. As far as quality, the optics are as clear and bright as any scope that I've owned (including the scope it replaces, a Bushnell Banner 6-18x50) and yesterday I shot a 1/8 inch group at 20 yards, something I've only been able to do on two other occasions. Oh, and one more thing. The cost of this scope is $64.00. It's often been said that you get what you pay for. But every once and a while, you get a little more. I don't know what the long term reliability of this scope will be. I've only fired about 100 shots so far. If anyone has any experience in this regard please chime in.

Offline Schmidty25

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Re: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2010, 09:54:31 AM »
Agreed.  I bought one from walmart. use it on my ruger 10/22 and its a great scope.  i can see the target clearly at 50 yds...
Crossman G1 Extreme
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Offline Dust

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Re: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2010, 01:15:53 PM »
The only people that knock this scope are the ones who haven't tried it.  Many people with powder burners praise them."I bought it because it was cheap, and wanted to break it, but never did.", and "I wanted something cheap while I waited for ======, but I just couldn't replace the scope" are some of the comments I have read.

Offline Gene_SC

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Re: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2010, 03:44:06 PM »
Great reveiw Gerry. I am surprised at the light weight of the scope. I have always found that the Leapers and Centerpoints have been on the heavier side but have clear glass. That I cannot complain about..:) I hat the covers or any scope with flip up caps. They always get lost or misplaced, and in my way and I hate shooting with them on. Thanks for a good honest review and the price is great..
THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
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Offline jay morgan

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Re: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2010, 09:58:22 PM »
I just now mounted one to my whisper,look's good,fit's well,& is shooting great,it's ate two scope's so far one that cost 3 time's it's price,time will tell,an I have 90 day's to find out or it 's just 5 min.'s back to wally world and a new one.
N.R.A.(endowment),G.O.A.(life), N.R.A. trainer for,c.c.w.,all firearms &reloading /\" NO FREEMAN SHALL EVER BE DEBARRED THE USE OF ARM\'S\"(Thomas Jefferson)

Offline arbantelope

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Re: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 08:01:25 PM »
Thanks for the review, and insight on this scope all.  I jumped in the pool too.....bought one today locally and am looking forward to getting it mounted on the econo Titan so I can put it thru it's paces.
The rings that came with it are the wide powder burner type.  I did not like the fact that it was $69 in the store.....but hey, I wanted the instant gratification and ability to noted byJay.

My other scope is a Barfska 3-9X40, so this is bound to be and upgrade.  (actually the barska is just fine on the S1K, just ribbing myself)
Alan - NorCal

NEWS FLASH:  Relative in Foresthill CA has a on-going Raccoon/Bandit problem    (hee hee)
Evidently the varmits get into his garage and eat the cat food.
I told him to get bigger cats.  ya-right.
Shadow has been getting me all worked up for some Night Moves....all his recent nocturnal pellet play on Bandits.  Awesome story-time and pics.
So it's going to be game on, hopefully this weekend.
Alan - NorCal

Offline Bogey

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RE: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2010, 06:31:39 AM »
Good review.   I have 2 of these scopes.    Really do like them.   And for the price, would be hard to beat.
Gentleman of Fortune.


Offline paul

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Re: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2010, 11:09:30 AM »
I have 2 ,one on a M-Rod.22 and the other on a NPXL ,to me very nice scope.
(--SamYang 909S 45cal.---Maurader.22 cal.---NPXL.22cal.

Offline familydc

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RE: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2010, 03:27:49 PM »
The Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16 by 40mm at Pyramid Air sells for $109.00.  Does anyone know if the Wal-mart $69.00 Centerpoint 4-16 by 40mm is the same scope?  That is quite a price difference.

Offline JimL911

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RE: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2010, 04:05:42 PM »
Same scope but you get FREE shooting sticks.

Offline Dust

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Re: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2010, 04:35:16 PM »
I was thinking that walmart may sell a worse scope, but the only way to check that would be to compare part number on the WM scope and the PA scope

Offline djmyers

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RE: In praise of the Centerpoint Adventure Class 4-16x40mm scope
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2010, 07:32:35 AM »
I bought the same one from wally world and have to agree with 2 points. The turrets are better and the AO going all the way to 5 yards was nice. I mounted mine on my 350 and it got killed. I replaced it with the Leapers 5th gen 4-16x50ao. I like the Leapers better. The Center point was fuzzier when you looked through it, not fuzzy like it was unfocused but fuzzy like you were looking through lite smoke. And was a little harder to get set up exactly behind it. Not a bad scope for the money and on a lighter recoiling rifle I imagine it would last for a while. I had to replace mine after about 200 rounds. But it was on an untuned 350 which  is notorious for smashing scopes. If it was on my Big Cat or Hunter it might still be there.

And I dug into the scope on pyramid air too. Its the same one but comes with the stick as said above. The wally world here sell a winchester stick for 9 bucks. Not bad telescopes and all. So for about 80 with tax you could pull off the same combo as PA but with easier return service. Or you could just order the leapers 4-16x50 and and not have to worry bout return service! HAHAHA bring on the rocks for that last comment, Im ready!

Gamo Hunter gas piston GRT 3 leapers 3-9x40ao
Big Cat GRT 3 leapers tactedge  
Diasy 120
RWS 350 mag PG2 leapers 4-16x50ao
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Daisy 880
2 Chinese underlevers
2 European break barrels.