Author Topic: Disco in .177 or .22???  (Read 7565 times)

Offline Tpatner412

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Disco in .177 or .22???
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:31:03 PM »
So I am definitely going to be buying a disco soon and I am wondering what caliber to get it in.  I plan on getting a Mrod assuming I like the PCP style.  I'm leaning towards a .177 for the disco because I would rather have a .22 Mrod.  Does this sound sensible?  Should I forget about the disco and just jump to the Mrod?  I'm lost between the two.  I love the looks of the Mrod but the price on the disco is so attractive for what I've heard is a quality product.  What do those of you with experience with both think?  Or just one?  Any advice would be good advice at this point.  I'm just beginning to think way too into this one.  I appreciate the help.  And long live this lovely obsession of mine that I know is shared throughout this forum :D

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Offline Mark 611

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 09:28:00 AM »
Myself personaly I wouldn't waist my time with a Disco if you really want an M -Rod, once you have the Rod you'll probly never shoot your Disco again so to me it'd be a waist of money! you'll never be happy with a Disco after shooting a M-Rod and the money waisted on the Disco could be put tward another M-Rod or PCP gun or hand pump extra mags {etc} so just get the M-Rod!

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2010, 09:42:23 AM »
I disagree..... I have a .22 Marauder, a .22 Disco and a .177 Disco... I love all 3 of them and I still shoot my Discos all the time.  One of the things I absolutely love about the disco is the 2000 psi fill, actually the "sweet spot" on both of my discos is 1800 psi.  I get 35 good hunting shots with a fill up and while I mostly use my scuba tank for refills I do still use my pump once in a while and it's a breeze to pump a disco back up to 1800 or 2000 psi after my 35 shots.  I also like the very light weight of the disco.... it's a pleasure to carry around on long hunts or pest control hunts.  Don't get me wrong..... I LOVE my Marauder and take her hunting all the time, but I still love my discos and use them all the time.  Yes, you can fill a Marauder to 2000 psi as well and have the same advantage as the disco, but if you have the ability to shoot at 2500 or 3000 psi, human nature being what it is, you're probably going to do just that,,,,which means much less fills from a scuba tank and a lot more work if you're using a hand pump.

So,,,, my advice would be get yourself a .177 Disco and enjoy it.  Then go ahead and get yourself a .22 Marauder.... you'll have the best of both worlds.  BTW.... that .177 Disco will be a great target gun, a great pest control gun and a great small game gun as well.  

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline Mark 611

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2010, 10:41:53 AM »
My view of of the 2 rifles is the M- Rod has way more advantages over the Disco JMHO.

Offline djmyers

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RE: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2010, 12:04:15 PM »
This is funny. I have the Disco in 22 on my pyramid air wish list for my Bday next month. I was tied up for a 22 trail np xl  and an mrod in 22. I have a bunch of springers so was looking hard at the mrod but just cant justify the money for the mrod setup yet. So I chose the 22 Disco. Now just gotta save the loot for the setup.

Im going with 22 cause I want knock down power on these big male grackles at longer range and I love pinpoint accuracy at longer ranges. 22 is less effected by the elements so that my reasoning.

One question I have about the Disco is how loud is it realy. It says lev 4 loudness. How loud is that? I have a 350, Hunter an d Big cat and they are all quieter than my 2250. I think anyway. And none are that loud. SO how bad is the Disco?
Gamo Hunter gas piston GRT 3 leapers 3-9x40ao
Big Cat GRT 3 leapers tactedge  
Diasy 120
RWS 350 mag PG2 leapers 4-16x50ao
Crossman 2200
Crossman 2250
Crossman 1377
Daisy 880
2 Chinese underlevers
2 European break barrels.

Offline CharlieDaTuna

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RE: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2010, 12:45:45 PM »
I'd have to agree with Jeff. I too have both and I actually shoot my disco more than my Marauder. My Marauder is a show piece though. :)  The Disco is just as accurate but maybe not the distance but at 50 yards it is deadly. A whole lot lighter, easier and quicker to bring up on and aquire your target and  shoot and a lot easier on you when hunting. The only real advantage of the Marauder is the additional power if needed and faster to reload of course. :)
Bob  aka:  CharlieDaTuna
Co-founder of the GTA


Home of the NPSS-NP Triggers:  


Benji-342 .177 /Brazilian Winchester 800 .22 /Gamo Cadet .177 /Gamo Shadowmatic .177 /Gamo 440 .22 /Gamo Royal .22 /Gamo Whisper .177 /Gamo SK-1 .20 /B-20 .177 /TF-99 .177 /QB-78 .177 /QB-78t .22 /QB-78-(CD) .22 /QB-78-(CJ) .22/QB-78D .22 /Crosman 2240 .22 /Cros 150 .177 /Crosman Back Packer .22 ?Crosman AS 2250 .22 /Daisy Mod 93 .177 /Marksman 2004 .177 /GS 35 .177 /FWB-124 .177 /Custom Marauder .22 /Custom Disco .177

Offline Ray

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2010, 01:11:22 PM »
I have a 22 disco and I love it. Light weight, accurate. powerful. easy to fill with the hand pump.


Offline CitySniper

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RE: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2010, 03:31:55 PM »
listen to the people who have both Jeff

The Disco is a great gun! ....go with a .22, that way when you eventually get a .22 mrod they can share ammo.

I own both aswell...I  love both.

do a search :emoticon:
.177 Gamo CFX
.22 Benjamin Discovery
.22 Benjamin Marauder

Offline Tpatner412

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2010, 05:45:21 PM »
So I have just one more question then......How much have you folks spent modding your disco's?  I know the TKO muzzle break is very popular as well as some trigger modifications.  Personally, if I buy one it will be in .177 because I actually have the JRA-rotary magazine that was for my QB78 but I would transfer it over to my disco if I get one.  For those who don't know the magazine turns your rifle from a single shot to a manually fed repeater.

Thanks for all the feedback

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Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2010, 06:12:09 PM »
Both of my Discos are bone stock except for the fact that each of them wear a TKO muzzle brake.  I was fortunate enough to get 2 rifles with good triggers,,,, the .177 has a nice trigger and the .22 trigger is just as sweet as can be  :) so I saw no need to mess with them.  However, I've heard and read many good things about TKO trigger mods and kits if you do decide to mod your trigger.  

Your gonna love your disco, trust me  :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline Tpatner412

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2010, 07:04:16 PM »
Thanks Jeff. Your input
on this has been awesome and greatly appreciated.
\"Mess with the best, die like the rest.\"

Offline Ray

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2010, 03:08:47 PM »
What do you mean listen to people who have both guns? Just because you have both guns your advice and opinion is better than the guys who only own the disco.You have more nerve than a bad tooth.


Offline CitySniper

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2010, 04:29:39 PM »
Ray - 5/26/2010  8:08 PM

What do you mean listen to people who have both guns? Just because you have both guns your advice and opinion is better than the guys who only own the disco.You have more nerve than a bad tooth.


Ray don't get butt hurt because you must not have an Mrod,.. (jealousy is a females trait)

He was asking about both guns....And asked would it be better to just skip the disco and go straight with the mrod.

Like I said..someone with both guns would understand the comparison a lot better. I didin't feel like typing out the long laundry list of pros and cons of both guns.

I think the disco is GREAT!....And I would advise not skipping on it for an mrod.
.177 Gamo CFX
.22 Benjamin Discovery
.22 Benjamin Marauder

Offline Ray

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Re: Disco in .177 or .22???
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2010, 10:50:14 AM »
Well I'm not jealous or butt hurt. If I wanted a Mrod or any other airgun believe me I can afford it. I'm a plumbing contractor. If you read the guys post he wanted advice from anyone with experience with either the disco or mrod or both.And I'd wager 90% of the guys who own the Mrod owned the Disco first and enjoy both for there different quality's.I sill believe your statement was out of line, and your just mad because someone called you on it. Have a nice day.


Offline djmyers

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RE: Disco in .177 or .22??? Here we go!
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2010, 03:42:59 AM »
I got the super soaker full of baby oil to ge these 2 greased up! whos got the pop corn? BYOB. SHould be a good one. lol
Gamo Hunter gas piston GRT 3 leapers 3-9x40ao
Big Cat GRT 3 leapers tactedge  
Diasy 120
RWS 350 mag PG2 leapers 4-16x50ao
Crossman 2200
Crossman 2250
Crossman 1377
Daisy 880
2 Chinese underlevers
2 European break barrels.