Author Topic: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !  (Read 4624 times)

Offline DaddyBain

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Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« on: May 25, 2010, 07:46:12 PM »
Well I've been following the tracking # and finally around 2:30 this afternoon the Fed Ex guy ended the waiting, My airgun is here! I have had to laugh at myself several times today... I haven't been this excited about getting something in a long time, So I lay the box on the kit counter island and open it up to see what I got, at first glance all in all the gun looks decent, fit and finish good plastic/composite stock black carbon fiber look was ok... the scope was impressive larger than I had expected, it had some weight to it which gives its a solid feel, So I read the accompanying paperwork, get the scope battery in and mount the scope on the rifle, looks better now was less impressive absent the scope,

From my forum reading I applied my new found knowledge and cleaned the barrel, surely as I read it was dirty! I would have never thought to do that otherwise great advice, So now cleaned sufficiently time to get that scope dialed in, prior to arrival it has been "tested" by the placed I purchased it, they did a 10 for 10 pellet test to assure I wasn't getting a lemon, accompanied by a crony test, they used a 7.9 grain crossman domed # 2 pellet was 905.92 and # 9 was low 871.17 looks like it tapered off as they went along, Stated in the signed certificate its normal to have erratic velocities so not sure what this test did other than a little QC to make sure it worked,

Along with the gun I ordered 4 different weight pellets, reading how airguns seem to have particular preferences to what they spit out consistency, I wanted to have something to gauge with, So I got my target set up at 30 yards got my homemade bench rest set up and decided on going heavy first trial. I selected the H&N Sport Baracuda Match 10.65 gr domed, The top of the tin gave 5 bars in precision and distance, looked good to me ! So I get one in the pipe and noticed it was a snug fit as opposed to the crossman destroyer I had to use earlier to avoid a dry fire when I cleaned the barrel, quite snug I was a little concerned about the pellet not seating well.

So benched and ready to fire, cross hairs dead center the bulls eye, I fired.. 1st one was about 14" high 8" to the left So I dialed it in... 2nd one was 9" low and 4" to the left no adjustment made... 3rd one was 1.5" high 4" to the left.... no adjustment made 4th shot was just a taste high and 3/16 right to the 2nd shot, at this point I dialed it in... next 6 were a dime size group 7/8 of center 45 degree left and low with the exception of 1 which was1/8 low and right of dead center, (No longer concerned about the snug pellets they all were snug just their nature I suppose)

So with just 10 shots I am impressed I would have continued to tweak it but between taking shots between the calm of wind gust, the women getting home and the phone ringing I had to give up for today, in the morning after breakfast I feel I should have a accurately dialed in rifle in about 30 minutes and ready to face the invading Grackles and Starlings with deadly force, no quarter shall be given.

So far it was a good purchase it is still early and I have much shooting to do before I can give it a full endorsement, I'll post more as I learn it,

Thanks all


Offline arbantelope

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Re: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 09:17:55 PM »
Congrats DB.  Enjoy your new shooter.  May I suggest: Thump a grackle or two in your dreams as a warm-up for tomorrow.
Alan - NorCal
Alan - NorCal

Offline airiscool

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RE: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 01:33:11 AM »
I know that feeling - waiting on the new gun to arrive,... then opening the box and seeing that gun for the first time...   Just like being a kid again !!!:D  :D

Congrats on the new shooter DB. Sounds like those pesky birds are in for it now. Hope to see your reports in the Hunting Gate.  And remember, pictures ...lots of pictures  !!!! :D

Good luck with it.

Benji Trail NPXL 1100, Gamo .22 Whisper, Crosman 760 Pumpmaster, Crosman 66 Powermaster, Crosman .22 revolver, Daisy model 102, Daisy early Model 25.

Offline DaddyBain

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Re: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2010, 04:34:10 PM »
Well it has been 7 days ( I thought it had been 2 weeks !) I been way too busy lost track of time, So far its been interesting... I can't say I love the gun..  too early for that... I am still tryin to get to know it,  I have put several hundred pellets through it, 4 different kinds... CPHP,Gamo Tomahawks both in the 7gr range, Benjamin Discovery NP 10.5 gr, and H&N sport Baracuda match 10.65 gr...  I shot a good many of the 4 different pellets at 10 yards doing the break in and sight in of the scope and had decent grouping, of the 4 the H&N seems to be the tightest group, during this time I discovered  the ring screws loose from recoil and had to start over, I had put them on very tight and was surprized they had come loose, So after a secured scope and getting the best grouping I could get I moved to the yard for a 30 yards check, Now battling wind and hold technique its getting there but I was hoping for better sooner I have a bench rest but I still am not geeting consistant tight groups,

I keep a check on the scope rings making sure no more loose scope issues during sighting, I have the bench rest from WalMart 30 buck winchester brand, I am considering returning it and going for the 60 buck remington at Dicks sporting good if groups dont improve soon, I have had some "odd grating" a few times during shooting session I noticed when I cock the gun during the process it "feels" like its dragging, simular to how it feels when you drag a wooden stick across a concrete surface , it doesen't seen to be coming from the barrel hinge area, it feel like its somewhere inside the spring/piston area, and oddely enough it only happended 3-5 times during the hundreds of times I have cocked it,  I am concerned but not knowing any better I am also thinking this is part of the break in behavior?

Well I will keep monitoring the gun as I keep shooting it and see how it goes, or if advised by the forum readers I will take other steps, Fortunately I hear Crosman has great customer service and it is still under warrenty, So I feel even if its a defect it will be taken care of,  If it turns out to be a lemon I doubt I will or should get another one just like it, I will be looking for some good advice on a reliable airgun, On the positive side it cocks easy, it is quite based on my little exposuse to just one other airgun the Remi Vantage, the scope is good no issues with it, Not having all the experience that many others have may be why, but I feel the trigger is great, I adjusted the screw the first stage is abit long but the second stage is perfect both are easy pulls especially the second,

Of all the short comings the trigger is not one of them, its smooth and easy to gauge the 2 stages and the break point, again my only other refrence was the Remi Vantage. I look forward to feed back and will post more as I figure it out, I simply want a good accurate gun.. I read post about 50, 80 even 100 yard kills, My need is less than 30 yards So I should be able to shoot the eyes out of a grackle at that range, Althought new to airguns or at least higher quality airguns I have used firearms all my life .22lr to 30.06 So I consider myself a decent shot. I know there is a different in the nature of airguns but surley I can get a dime group of 10 pellets at 30 yards right?

I know springers can be tuned what about gas pistons? this gun may benifit from such?

Thanks for the opportunity to get advice,  DB

Offline jay morgan

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Re: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2010, 05:55:52 PM »
REMEMBER DB this thing's are BEYOND hold sensative(make's powder gun's act like rock's)just moving my thumb from wrap,top,side,change's my p.o.i. at least 1/2" on my gun?an front hold just as hard to control.They amaze me how touchy they act,but will improve your powder time,I shoot long range N.R.A. match's & have never had such a problem with hold as these dang air shooter's,I sit & change cheek,hand,grip type's just to watch change it's amazeing too me.
N.R.A.(endowment),G.O.A.(life), N.R.A. trainer for,c.c.w.,all firearms &reloading /\" NO FREEMAN SHALL EVER BE DEBARRED THE USE OF ARM\'S\"(Thomas Jefferson)

Offline Tom Militano

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Re: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 04:59:38 AM »
I have the Remington NPSS in .22 caliber and the thing is a tack driver.  I shot a 1" ten round group at thirty yards with it.  I was shooting 14.2 gr RWS Super-H-Points.  I shot six squirrels with it a couple of days ago, using the same pellets, and another yesterday.  We're over run with tree rats where we live.  I think it's a great hard hitting rifle.

Offline Rickster

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Re: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 10:37:17 AM »
Like Jay says, they are hold sensitive, and may not respond well to benchresting.
I have good results balancing the gun , right in front of the trigger guard.

CharleyDaTuna sells a trigger for it, that has an extra screw to reduce the first stage.

The grating sound is from the cocking arm riding in a track, When you cock, it is under preassure and doesn't make noise.
When you bring the barrel back up, the arm is not under pressure and makes noise as it drags in the track.
Lubing this area with some moly pastes works pretty good.

Keep in mind that is the last NEW gun you will ever see if you return it.
Crosman usually sends out refurbished guns, and yours gets in line at the repair depot to become a refurb for someone else.


RWS Model 52 .177
Benjamin Marauder .177
Crosman Nitro NPSS CBR Trigger .177
RWS 6G Pistol .177
Click on WWW for images.

Offline Tom Militano

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Re: Remi NPSS the adventure begins !
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 12:36:57 PM »
The 1" group I shot was off a rest.