Author Topic: Cobra Air guns & LIFT 5-23-10 Field Target Results and Pics  (Read 6473 times)

Offline Dave CAG

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Field Target Airguns Long Island NY 5/23/10
Sponsored By Cobra Airguns

Because of news 12 and Brookhaven Town trying to add an amendment to the firearm law to included airguns, airsoft and paintball, I was, needless to say, a bit busy and a lot of things fell to the way side or left behind.

 Thank you to everyone who came to shoot and to support LIFT. Our next shoot will make up for it.

 We were running late I showed up with the targets and the A-Team Hans and Ray were already there they jumped right in along with Tom Wade, Tom Holland, Joe M and myself.

 The target lanes were ready in a flash but we had big plans for this shoot having 10 lanes with three more tree targets and a sixty five yard bonus shot. The course ended up with only seven lanes and I forgot the drill for the tree targets.

It turned out to be a great day the rain held out and we even had a little sun at times. And the Tick problem has been solved not one tick in two weeks!!!! I know thatthat alone made a lot of people happy. We will keep it that way! This also gives us more room for creativity to put lanes in areas that were off the list because of them. There are areas up in the woods that are very hilly and we can make some really. interesting target placements.

It was great to see Veronika (above right) and Hector(right) the last time they came it was raining and we canceled. But so many shooters showed up that Hector came up with the idea to shoot golf. It was a lot of fun, everyone had a good time. Thank you Hector for saving that day.

Hector and his Steyr were on target shooting 41 out of 42 and taking first in PCP open. Veronika taking second in piston using her HW95 with a leapers 4-12x44 scope. The piston class is gettingmore competitive with each shoot. There are at least five very good piston shooters per match.

Rod (bottom left) is one of our members that started last year with a PCP and has been shooting piston class this year. When we met Rod he was shooting piston I think he moved to PCP because all the other members were going in that direction but Rod is old school and I think piston suits him. And now he is in search for the right .177 rifle. He is a big .25 caliber fan.

 LIFT had a new shooter Vincent
(bottom right) who placed third in piston and this was his first field target match. Vincent was shooting his FWB 124 and he is someone to watch in future meets. Vincent said Field Target was great fun and all the firearm competitions he has been to he never had food at the end of the shoot. We think it is important because this is the time everyone sits down and talks about the target lanes, Airguns, scopes and just all round a good BS time.

Tom H (above)finally received his Steyr. this is his first field target meet with it and he is still working out the equipment and shooting 12 foot lbs this is only his second meet and is shooting 33 out of 42 in PCP open class

 Joe M and his Steyr
(left) are really coming together he is still also working out his equipment. Joe shot 36 out 42 for fourth. But I must say it is only a matter of time beforeJoe and Tom will be competitors to watch

The elevated standing lane is a great equalizer. most of the old school shooters shoot the course standing so when they are on the elevated lane there is not a big difference from the lane before. From what I have seen so far, you can have the best equipment money can buy but if you can not shoot standing your giving away two to four targets per meet and that could be the difference between you and a better shooter.

(above left) is shooting his RWS 46 Stutzen this is his second field target meet. Last meet he shot a Benjamin Discovery and had a good score but I think Bill is also old school and loves his piston rifles. no air tank to worry about or when to fill on the course, just cock, load and shoot there is a lot to be said for that

The A-Team Hans and Ray are always great to have at a meet. They like to shoot apart so they can talk to different people. we like to match them with at least one new shooter. Ray and Hans have been in the field target arena for a long time and have shot with the best. They are open with their knowledge and are greatcompetitors.

This year they are helping Crosman host the NY regional anyone interested link below.

Crosman Regional sign up by 6/1/10

 It was nice to see Bartek
(below right) and George (below left) they have been shooting all the local tournaments. Bartek was shooting a Theoben at 20 ft lbs hunter last year and now has a Air Arms EV2 at 12 ft lbs shooting PCP open **way go Bartek!!** He placed third against two top shooters, Ray and Hector with 38 out of 42.

 George won hunter, shooting his BSA super ten with a score of 36 out of 42 right up there with the PCP open scores. I think he has a few more wins in hunter in him! lets see if he moves to PCP open.

Tony (below left) Won piston class last meet and this meet with a 32 out 42 even though he was having a little trouble with his RWS 54. For some reason the rifle lost velocity which can't be good when you already changed the spring to a lighter one. well as you can see he still pulled it off.

Tom W put down his springer and tried the Crosman Challenger PCP 530 fps at only 6 ft lbs. That is shooting pistol field target with a stock. He said he really enjoyed it and loved the Challenge.

All the shooters had a great day!!!

Ok now for the Scores
PCP openShooterScore
1stHector Medina41
2ndRay Apelles40
3rdBartek Dziedzic38
4th TieHans Apelles & Joe Murphy36
5thTom Holland33
1stEncinger Georg 36
2ndBill Rotili24
3rdVeronika Ruf22
Piston openShooter
1stTony Narracci36
2ndVeronika Ruf22
3rdVincent Pappalarpo18
4thRod O'Neill14


Long Island Field Target Club
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