Author Topic: XL vs SS  (Read 15322 times)

Offline ezman604

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RE: XL vs SS
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2010, 06:57:16 AM »

Appreciate the comments and concerns. I would not place my grandson or any of us in harms way on purpose. We had to run out between rain storms and had to quickly improvise to get in a few minutes of shooting. The pictures were taken immediately upon arrival and I had them adjust to the situation for safety. We set my grandson up in the bed of the truck first, to let him get a few shots off. You will also notice everyone was wearing safety glasses. My grandson was not in front of the firing line but a little too close for comfort in the one picture. A ricochet could have been devastating. And I was very diligent about watching them as they shot. My son-in-law propped on the opposite side of the truck bed and after I made the comment about clearing the side, he moved to an open area too. LikeI said, we had to hurry to set up and get a few minutes of shooting in, but there's no excuse to bypass safety.

Agree all need the hunter safety course. I've mentioned that to his parents on a couple of occassions already. Will press that again before we leave today. I could even use it as a bribe. I'll tell my grandson that I would not feelcomfortable leaving his new gun with him UNTIL his parents take him (and themselves) to a safety course. Thanks again for the comments. and the same can be said for drivers safety course too. there's a lot of "old farts" that could benefit from a brush up!!!!

Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline ezman604

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RE: XL vs SS
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2010, 06:26:25 AM »
ezman604 - 5/30/2010 5:56 PM

Also found out my newly dressed up Leapers 6-24x40 SF scope on my SS will be going back AGAIN. SF will not work at all. was actually my new BSA SWF624X44 side wheel scope that crapped out. Boxed up and shipped today for warranty repair/replacement. Kinda hope they send a new one.

Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline ezman604

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RE: XL vs SS
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2010, 03:47:14 AM »

Well, while in the process of rebuilding a damaged XL1100 I got my hands on, I found some differences between the XL & SS. The barrels are definately different. I don't have any pictures yet but will post some in a few days as I get more time to play. The SS barrel is actually about 1" longer than the XL. The XL barrel is slightly smaller in diameter and is threaded about 1-1/2" on the end toattach the shroud end cap. Where the SS has a turned down section about 3" to accomodate the muzzle break/sight. The XL I got to play with had a severly bent barrel and I attempted to straighten it. I spent over an hour tweaking it but can't get it straight enough to suit me so I will press on with one of two routes. I'll either use the spare SS barrel I have in .22, along with the new shroud being machined, and rebuild the XL. Or, take the ram & piston from the XL and install into my SS. I would then have a spare stock to put the chisel, dremeland sander to and modify. Been wanting to play with furniture anyway.

Will post more asI decide which route to go.

Happy Shooting....and modding.


Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline LongIslandArcher

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Re: XL vs SS
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2010, 03:54:41 PM »

Offline ezman604

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Re: XL vs SS
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2010, 11:42:45 AM »

I'm still gathering all the pieces/parts but I've decided to complete the build/rebuild of the XL1100AND get the necessary stuff to convert my SS to an NP powerplant. That wil give me 3 Benji NP powered guns and may have to part with one or two, MAYBE.

While pressing onward with the rebuild of the XL1100, I discovered another difference in the SS & XL barrels. The slot where the cocking lever and pin are inserted is wider on the XL to accomodate the lever and the sling mount. I had to use a grinder and file to widen the gap a bit to use the original cocking lever and sling mount. I may never use the sling but it's a good option should I decide to do some hiking/hunting or trudging through the woods. I touched up the grinding area with a blueing pen.

I also received the SS pieces/parts I ordered from Crosman that needed replacing on the XL, including the trigger group. and of course I'm installing a Tuna trigger to help make THIS one a great shooter. I have a custom shroud coming that should be here in a few days. But, I should have everything together to test tonight. I just want to put a few rounds through my rough rebuild to make sure I'm not wasting my time. Then I'll either scrap the project for now or press onward with the blinging.

So, stay tuned. I should have some photos and a progress report in a few more days. By the time I finish, Crosman will probably have the parts available for the XL. Always something to play with. LOL

Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline rocker1

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Re: XL vs SS
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2010, 12:42:32 PM »
well i quess you are not going to mess with the xl1500, ??? myself i think its going to be hard to beat, i also have a xl1100 but i usually grab the 177 i quess because it will reach out where the 22 can't. i ahve tried to compare the 2 and makes me wonder why most people seem to shy away from the 177 imo it is a very good air rifle its the flatest shooting break barrel rifle i have ever shot. how many 177 break barrel ags are out there that will shoot almost 24 fpe,          thanks david

Offline ezman604

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Re: XL vs SS
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2010, 12:48:05 PM »

Things can change but as of right now, I have no plans to even open the XL1500 up. It's performing like I want ANY airgun to and don't want to mess with a good thing. If'in it ain't broke, don't fix it....LOL

Now, if it were to start losing power, gets hard to cock or lose the fantastic accuracy it has, THEN I'll most definately open it up and investigate.

Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l