Author Topic: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?  (Read 9384 times)

Offline speedturtle

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Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« on: May 29, 2010, 09:12:26 AM »
There's only one way to find out and that is... by experimenting!

The result:

Full story link:

Sorry, I just posted the link since it's too long and I'm already too tired to type. Thanks for reading! I had a blast doing this and a lot of ideas learned from the experience. :)
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Offline shady816

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Re: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2010, 04:11:00 AM »
that is very impressive shooting but how did the groups hold out to 30 yards my b26 is pushing 850 with 8.4 grain and still only holds 1-1/2 inch groups but that is probubly me and not the gun.

Offline speedturtle

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Re: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2010, 04:53:54 AM »
shady, I did some 35 - 40 yards shooting on a tree yesterday on a very calm day. Using a leapers 3-9 X50 AO scope I thought I lost the 2nd and 3rd shot since I can't see where they landed. When I checked it with a higher mag scope (uninstalled, I just used it as a handyman's monocular) they are all touching each other. Fired 5 more shots and all are still touching each other using JSB Exacts 4.52mm 8.4grains pellet. At 10 yards the RWS superdomes works better for me but I noticed that at longer yardages the JSB's performs better. Maybe the JSB's have better ballistic characteristics at longer distances. Sorry, no pics of the target. I was shooting inclined at about 30 degress so that would make the height of the POI's from where I shoot to be about 18 - 22 feet (just an estimate). Can't focus the cheap digital camera I have at such height.

The barrel has been re-crowned and polished as well so that helped a lot on the accuracy department at long distance shooting. Play around with your B26 and try using a stiffer spring. You might be surprised that it might give you the same results as mine.

Question: "Are you still using the tube with a scratch inside or were you able to get a new one?" Was it you or another member who had that problem with his B26? Thanks.
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Offline speedturtle

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Re: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2010, 04:55:55 AM »
Here is another result of the detuning process. The B26 doesn't seem to be pellet fuzzy anymore.

Wow, the pic attachment worked! LOL!
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Offline Brutuz

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RE: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2010, 06:19:23 AM »
Very interesting to read speedturtle, thanks for sharing
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Re: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2010, 06:59:53 AM »
My pleasure, Sir. :)
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Offline shady816

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Re: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2010, 02:45:54 PM »
hi willie ...and yes it is me with the gouged tube and i was able to run the hone thru it with the tensioner set tight to try to remove more metal  and it is still visible to the eye but with no sharp edges like before so it appears on this go round the seal is hanging in there and it is shooting jsb 8.4's at 850 fps consistently with not alot of deviation and is proved to devistate squirrels out to 40 yards so it is not a loss but it is in the classifieds right now for a trade. the gun i believe will be fine but never should have had to preform such an operation on a new gun but with the custom guides and new seal and spring the gun does preform and would keep it if i had never shot a pcp the other day now i got to have one.

Offline mick1

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Re: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2010, 10:58:02 PM »
Speedturtle, very interesting account of your tuning process in search of consistency and shootability leading to greater accuracy - the results speak for themselves.  Thanks for taking the trouble to write this up.
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Offline chortdraw

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Re: Can my BAM B26 shoot "better" at 810FPS?
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2010, 05:33:53 PM »
Great write up and excellent shooting. I read you stuff on the Airgunone also. It helps new old farts like me a lot. I sure have enjoyed my air guns and I am getting better at it. Look forward to more of your fin dings.

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