Author Topic: Walmart/Titan GP/Socm Tactical and DUCT SEAL  (Read 4632 times)

Offline Yellowstone

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Walmart/Titan GP/Socm Tactical and DUCT SEAL
« on: June 02, 2010, 06:58:49 PM »
This will tie a couple of threads together. The first one is Wal-Mart and the Titan GP.22. A lot of guys have been discussing Wal-Mart and product availability.
  I went to Wal-Mart today and they are in complete disarray. They had pellets in three different places. There was a place for a Titan GP but there were on guns on the rack. They were behind the counter. I ask to see one and noticed it was marked $114.95. Asked if that was the price. The lady said yes. I left with my new Titan GP. They have no idea what they're doing!

That was one thread going. The second one was the difference between Springer and GP.
The third one was about the spring twang of my girl friends new socom tactical. And last but not least was how much Duct Seal was needed. To stop 1200fps pellets

 Sat down with the Titan GP .22 and the .177 Socom. Sighted in the scopes.
 (The Socom has a better scope) and started ripping pellets down range at the Duct Seal.

First off the Titan GP started out to be a bear to cock. My leg is killing me where the butt was when I was cocking it. This was a problem as we switch guns back and forth. I had to cock the Titan ever time. My girl couldn't do it.  Both guns got easier to cock after about 75 or 100 pellets.

The spring twang got a little better in the Socom. Still the twang is too much for me. The Titan GP is nice.

The Titan is heaver, wood stock .22cal GP
The Socom cocks very nicely and is lighter.

 Both guns shot remarkably well the girl friend is a much better shot than me and was shooting nickel size groups at 12 yards with both guns.

She just started shooting so she has no preconception of either gun. Has no clue how they work, Springer or GP it just a gun. She likes the Socom Tactical she said its lighter it cocks easer, and has a cool laser and light on it. She did notice that it has a better scope. I like the Socom too but I can stand that spring twang. The Titan shoot real nice and I'm going to have a good-looking right biceps after a couple more tins of pellets.
 As far as the laser and light go they work (they come on) if you like that stuff great.
Me I think it’s a gimmick. The girl friend thinks they are just the coolest. That why she bought the Socom. For the laser and light. Go figure (Ask her what kind of car she want she tell you a RED one)LOL

We shot 250 pellets each. No problems with either gun. They both very nice they are in two different categories as far as price, and type of gun. But if I  have to cock it I'm going to shoot it. It’s the Titan GP all the way for me.
  And Last the DUCT SEAL I asked in a thread about 1200 fps pellet traps. And came across the duct seal pellet trap so I made one. Read somewhere that you need four inches of the stuff to stop 1200 fps. pellets If you shoot like we do you need four inches! I was changing target number 4 or 5  and check the duct seal, WE and when I say “we” I mean “SHE” just about bored a hole straight through the stuff. You can use two inches if you knead it back together after 25 or 30 pellets. But with the two of us shooting that’s a lot of messing with the stuff. There is a pretty big pile of pellets in the stuff now I don't think I'll have to mess with much any more.

The Socom Tactical is the only springer we've shot and the Titan GP is the only GP gun we've shot. We are 1377/1322-pump gunner.  So take it for what its worth. The Titan GP is a nice gun. And The Socom is nice gun, Both great shooters. I just can't take that spring twang.  Wal-mart is redoing there Air gun stuff and is lost, most employee don't know what an air gun is. Duct Seal great stuff cheap and stops pellet with out a sound!

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RE: Walmart/Titan GP/Socm Tactical and DUCT SEAL
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 11:19:09 AM »
I have a titan to believe me if you ever cock one of the xls you will remember it i have both a xl1100 and a xl1500 and they are at least 3 times harder to cock lol thanks david

Offline Yellowstone

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RE: Walmart/Titan GP/Socm Tactical and DUCT SEAL
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 02:30:59 PM »
We're getting close to 1000 pellets through it and its a lot easier now or I’m just stronger now. LOL