I just want to start this off by saying that in the past few days I have killed over 8 grackles and maybe it's wishful thinking but I just figure that at some point they would stop coming into my yard, oh how wrong I am.
So on to the hunt story. So it was about 5 or 6 pm and there had been a ton of activity in my yard. A bunch of starling and grackles throughout the day, and a pesky squirrel that I still can't bag :emoticon: . So I took some time to work with the Cometa Fusion black .177. I had it sighted in for ten yards but I decided that I needed to sight it in for further out, so I got it set for about 23 yards. I was shooting 8.4 grain JSB exacts and was able to get some good dime sized groups. The BKL mounts Gene recommended to me have been nothing but stellar, just thought I should mention that

. So after a few minutes inside I looked out into the yard to see this big juicy grackle hopping around. So I slowly grabbed the Fusion and loaded a JSB. To make things a little more interesting it had just started raining. I think this helped mask the noise of me opening the screen door and leaning out against the house because the grackle seemed to not even be aware of my presence. He gave me a good silhouette look but I accidently left the safety on so I got that little problem handled to find that he now had his back to me. So I waited for him to pop his head up and I saw his head begin to rise up from the ground and I pulled the trigger. With no noise at all he went down. I went out to check him out to find that it was in fact a headshot but not a complete pass through. It looks like the JSB is just barely sticking out of his head. I couldn't get a real clear picture of it but hopefully you guys can see it somewhat well.