Selling my B40 to fund other project. Upgrades include:
new breach and piston seals.
Allen head fore end screws, also applied super glue to stock holes to keep wood from compressing.
Lube tune with Macarri lubes.
light trigger tune/adjustment(I don't have a pull gauge, but it's light and crisp 2 stage).
slight deburr of barrel at breach, from factory it was VERY tight.
Added o-rings to cocking lever.
Will include Xisico 3x9x40AO scope and one piece mount as shown and spare breach and piston seal(just replaced factory seals, but you can again when the time comes). Added some fabric tape on the scope mount as the scope wanted to shift(tape can be seen in pictures). Gun chronies between 905-920 with CPLs, so it's healthy, although it seems to like Kodiaks better(sorry no chrony #'s with Kodiaks, I was running out of sunlight and the mosquitos were eating me alive!). A couple light pressure marks on stock that I've tried to capture on the photos. I'm looking for $250 +$15 towards shipping in the lower 48, PayPal ONLY and I'll eat the fees. Email danieljnelson (AT) sbcglobal (dot) net with any questions or offers, "I'll take it" here does NOT count, email only...let's keep the classifieds clean! I'm on the BOI with all positive under DanoInTx, Dan Nelson, maybe even Daniel Nelson....want buyer to be on BOI too.