Author Topic: Wally's Titan GP 1000 shots  (Read 8400 times)

Offline Yellowstone

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Wally's Titan GP 1000 shots
« on: June 06, 2010, 05:33:15 PM »
Titan GP

I picked it up at Wally’s on Wednesday morning. Just finished my last round of a thousand. I’ve been shooting everyday till it hurt.  500 RWS Superdome 14.5gr.
And 500 Crossman Premier Ultra Magnum (no weight)

This is the first air rifle I’ve shot in thirty years. So I’m no expert I just play one in Airgun forums. I like this gun when it’s zeroed it right on. I did have to re-zero several times.  I can only shoot at 10yards so as far as long range shots I’m no help.

At first it was vary hard to cock. (For me) Cocks very nicely no binding or odd noise when cocking and its much easer now. The wood stock is smooth and blemish free.

The trigger (I don’t know anything about triggers) seemed to change in it feel one time it would be very smooth any maybe a couple of shots latter it would feel rough. Compared to my 1377 the trigger is heavy.

The safety was vary rough at first now it has improved with use. I had a hard time pushing it forward with the back of my finger.

There were some metal shaving at the breech when I started shooting. I cleaned them off and lubed the catch and did see anymore after that.

Thing I would change: I would like to have sights, better dovetail grove for scope mount.
It does need a better scope and the trigger and safety need to be? (Cleaned, polish, rough edges smooth off, replaced, something) (I don’t know anything about triggers)

All in all $150.00 from Wally’s Great value! A little TLC new scope it’s had to beat dollar for dollar. Is there betted you bet for $150 or less maybe not.

I like it. It’s a lot fun it hits hard. When its on its on. Annie could stack pellets with.
I may buy another one just because I can.

I’m no expert I just play one in Airgun forums.

this pic is six shots of about the last ten. I downloaded this target from the forum I forgot who posted it but Thanks I like this target

Offline tunaboat

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RE: Wally's Titan GP 1000 shots
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 04:19:16 AM »
Glad your enjoying that new Titan Marty.  Put in a Charlie Da Tuna's GRTIII trigger.  It will be the next best $32.00 dollars you ever spent on airgunning.
I have a very strict gun control policy: if there\'s a gun around, I want to be in control of it. (Clint Eastwood)

Offline chortdraw

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Re: Wally's Titan GP 1000 shots
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 05:59:15 AM »
I second the GRT111 trigger. They transform a gun. You won't get a better trigger.

 Rem.Vantage/chopped and tuned by me.
 Crosman 22 NPSS
 Daisy 880
 2-Daisy Red Rider\'s
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Offline ssminnow

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Re: Wally's Titan GP 1000 shots
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 05:42:11 PM »
I have to chime in on the GRTIII trigger. It is absolutley the best money I've spent. I dropped one in my titan in 4 mins. last night. It is really that easy. It is my second so I already had done a little work to the trigger group.

Regards, Skip
Crosman Storm XT w/3-9x32 and GRTIII Trigger
Crosman Titan GP w/GRTIII Trigger
Crosman 1377c
Beeman Sportsman SR2 (1073)
Beeman R1

Offline Jonnyreb

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RE: Wally's Titan GP 1000 shots
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 06:22:38 PM »
Glad you've found it's getting better with age yellowstone.  I only have a hundred shots or so through mine using about 5 or 6 different pellets. The rws 11.9 hobbies really seemed to shine. Time will tell what she really likes best. I used a utg offset mount and the 3x9x32 centerpoint that came with another gun and the combo seems to work well so far. J