Author Topic: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump  (Read 5555 times)

Offline spark22

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This is the 2nd pump I had and have rebuilt it once already and the D******** thing locked up again today.No problem I have extra orings for it so I tore it down and cleaned the goop out and found everything was good or so I though, so I relubed it and put it back together and it still locked up after a few pumps tore it back down and  all the  orings were in perfect shape put it back together and still locked up well I tore it back down once again and cleaned out everything and replaced all the seals and relubed and got it back together once more to have it doing the same crap!It is hot here in N.Texas and my bi-polar problem has me on edge and with all the health problems with my wife and the bills from not working much from this past winter through the spring and now working 50 hrs a week and only getting paid for 42 hrs because over the winter I worked 10-20 hrs a week and got paid for 30 hrs I snapped and went ape s**t balistic on the poor pump! I beat the crap out of it just short of wrapping it aroud a tree which I almost did.I'm sure glad I have the scuba tank but I've been using it just to fill my disco and only using the pump on the marauder which also is driving me nuts,I've had it tuned to the point I could trim limbs and weeds out of my way to get a clearer shot on my targets but every time I pick it up the poi is always some were else.I'm at the point I want to sell of all of my crosman's but I've put so much work into  getting them to shoot crazy acurate I just can't part with them but I don't think I'll buy any more guns from crosman there just not up to my standards now so it looks like I'll be saving up to get a AA410 because it has what I need a low setting for targets in the backyard and a high setting for hunting which is what the marauder is missing to make it a realy great rifle that and some thread lock on the adjustments to keep them in place because after getting the trigger tuned perfect and the hammer stroke and preload all set to where it's grouping 1/4" 10 shot groups @ 1035fps @ 30yrds with .177 cphp after a few thousand shots it has to be reset because nothing is staying put! I realy did not want to have to take the mrod apart but that is the only way to apply the thread loc to the hammer adjustments.I did have to remove the barrel to lap it because out of the box it shot 1" groups which was totaly unaceptable for a $400 gun which my $89 quest shot better than it did straight out of the box.All I want is for an AMERICAN made gun that will shoot as good as the AA,FX,DAYSTATE,STYER,FWB guns do is that too muck to ask?As for that poor beat up benji pump it's now trashed and will be replaced with a HILL pump which was already on my short list as I do enjoy pumping as it slows me down a bit and keeps me from burning through more than one tin  of 500 in a day which for me isn't too hard to do!
Marauder .177                               benji discovery .22
fully tuned sub 12ftlbs quest 1000x
fully tuned remington vantage 1200
custom 1322 & 2240

Offline airgunandy

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RE: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2010, 01:55:15 PM »
Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble. Stuff builds up in our lives and sometimes something or someone sets us off and LOOK OUT!!! I have those days too. Fortunately it's stuff that gets beat up and not people.

Offline tjk

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Re: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2010, 02:53:02 PM »
D********it man! Don't hold back any on our account. Let it out Brother. Don't feel bad, I had an episode with my first and pretty  good 4' mason level and in the end, it was my DA and not the levels fault. It was a brick wall in this case.  Dang I really miss that old level too. Life throws us curves. Sometimes we strike the bat on home plate with a few choise words, and other times we just walk back to the dug-out with a new strategy. Thank God tommorrows a new day!! We feel your pain man. tjk
397 Benji-98\' model    
Marksman  0035, My Fav!,CDT T\'d
Crosman Sierra-Pro,.177
Benji 392 08\'
CDT TT\'d RWS 34 .22,CP 4-16X40 AO
MM T\'d Marksman 0035
Crosman G1 Extreme
Daisy PowerLine 1000
TF-97 .22
B-28A MM T\'d
B-28 OEM Tuned by me
Beeman .22 RX-2 w/Theoben GR
Beeman .177 R1 Santa Rosa

Offline DaveShooter

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Re: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2010, 10:19:31 AM »
Hey spark,
                    Check the spring at the bottom where the check-valve is. That can be the issue as well too. I know I talked this over with Duane @ Sun Optics. I would contact Duane or else see if ya got someone in your area to get a spring that is close to what ya got. You did the right things by cleaning the black goo and relubeing the o-rings. I did a rebuild on my benji-pump and got a couple of springs from Duane pump works so much better for sure. Hope this helps. Try to cheer up I know it is ruff all over. I too suffer from an illiness that is the pits as well.

Offline Progun

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Re: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2010, 11:03:18 AM »
Hey Garry, sorry about your frustrations with your guns. we've all been there if that helps. Don't feel too bad, when you strive for excellence and are frustrated at the roadblocks, failures and dissapointments, it's only natural for high acheivers to need to let off a little steam. I more than once saw Bo Jackson break a baseball bat over his leg after a frustrating at bat like it was a twig. I can imagine you felt the same way about your pumper. Take a deep breath, count your blessings, dust yourself off and get back in the race. Put the fun back in your game. Peace bro'.

Offline arbantelope

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Re: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2010, 02:53:24 PM »
Get that poison out brother.  eFF the old pump.  :)
Alan - NorCal

Offline lil'feeby

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Re: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2010, 02:57:17 PM »
hey spark, i hope you got it back together. i want to share a story of loosing it that did not end so well.......i was teaching a private session of submission wrestling and a guy waiting on a boxing class asked me what i was teaching. i told him "catch wrestling" so he asked me to show him some.  i agreed and took him to the mat and asked him what he wanted to know.. he said whatever you want to show me, so as soon as  we got close to each other, he attacked me with all he had. i just defended myself for a few moments, as i realized that he knew what he was doing. he got more and more aggressive, so i put him in a ankle hold. he screamed and i jumped up from the mat and asked what his problem was. he did not respond just limped out of the gym.....i then found out that he was a brazilian jujitsu guy who had heard about me and said that he was going to break my arm when he met me. i had already had one of those days, so he ends up with sprained ligaments in his ankle and knee. now i am a lot more careful with people i don't know, at least you did not hurt anyone else when you lost it.....take care bud shoot your rifles and take deeeeeeep breaths.

peace :emoticon:

Offline spark22

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Re: I finely lost it today and took out my anger on my benji pump
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 08:16:15 AM »
Dwane at sun optics is a great guy he  got my poor beat up pump all fixed up!All it was was the spring on the check valve had compressed and was not sealing properly.I had also put the wrong oring on the main seal it need a vitron oring of 90 durometer to take all the heat,and to let ya'll know he uses ND30wt to lube the pump!Well all is fine and back to normal and back to shooting.Thanks guys.

Marauder .177                               benji discovery .22
fully tuned sub 12ftlbs quest 1000x
fully tuned remington vantage 1200
custom 1322 & 2240