Author Topic: Marauder tuning illustration  (Read 6516 times)

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Marauder tuning illustration
« on: June 08, 2010, 03:50:51 PM »
Hi everybody. First post here but it seems like a great forum.

I thought these illustrations might help those trying to tune their m-rod for the first time. The initial settings were guessed at from previous threads here and elsewhere shooting for a 850 FPS string for the 15.9 gr JSB. The notation is P = port turns out from full in (gentle on that one), S = hammer spring turns in from full out, H = hammer stroke turns in from full out. I'm not sure why there was so much variation at high PSI in the first tune but assume that was due to adjusting three points and it needing to settle? Sorry I missed the velocity for two shots in the final string. I'll try to get some new groups when it is calm and post them up here. The gun was doing very good groups before (best 3/16" ctc at 30 meters measured) but POI was varying across PSI. With this more consistent velocity and removing the barrel ring (which seemed to touch the bottom somewhere no matter what) I hope that is all cured. I also did the free trigger mod using the correct delrin spacer from Crossman.  PSI is as best as I could estimate (only really accurate across large spans).

Final String:
2890   841
2870   855
2850   851
2830   857
2810   857
2790   859
2770   863
2750   860
2720   860
2690   859
2670   862
2640   863
2610   859
2600   861
2590   858
2570   859
2540   857
2510   854
2480   852
2460   849
2400   844
2390   841
2370   840

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Re: Marauder tuning illustration
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2010, 04:13:11 AM »
Welcome to GTA John! Very good first post, too. 25 shots within 26 fpe and 23 ES is excellent!I just might use your settings and just tweak them to my rifle's liking.

Bam B-26 .22, Hammerli 850 .22 HPA, Marauder .22


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Re: Marauder tuning illustration
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2010, 02:58:53 AM »
preez - 6/9/2010  9:13 AM

Welcome to GTA John! Very good first post, too. 25 shots within 26 fpe and 23 ES is excellent!I just might use your settings and just tweak them to my rifle's liking.


Thanks for the welcome Chris - I hope the settings are a decent starting point if you decide to try them.
