Author Topic: anyone seen the PA video on the tx200 w/gaylord?  (Read 3384 times)

Offline itsnotom

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anyone seen the PA video on the tx200 w/gaylord?
« on: June 15, 2010, 07:42:54 AM »
i remember reading his blog when he tested the b40 against his 200 and the 40 won out. i think thats some ass backwards stuff now that he is getting a paycheck from PA. i guess money talks. i take his word with a grain of salt anyway but i wouldnt trade my mike m tuned 22 b40 for a tx because of how well it shoots. it is the most accurate springer i have ever shot and is not hold sensitive. and im not bad mouthing anyone but just wonder how some people 'make it big' with common knowledge