Author Topic: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests  (Read 7951 times)

Offline longislandhunter

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$54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« on: June 16, 2010, 03:36:00 PM »
Finally got a chance to spend some time with the Storm XT I picked up at Walmart for $54 bucks and do my pellet grouping testing.  I was very pleased with the results  :)  This gun is a natural born hunter........

The following pellets gave me beautiful dime sized groups at 25 yards........

JSB Exact Express 7.9 gr.

JSB Exacts 8.3 gr

Beeman FTS

JSB Predators

RWS Superdomes



Crow Mags

The gun also shot decent groups with several other pellets but the ones listed were the absolute best.  This gun isn't pellet picky at all.
The other nice thing, which really surprised me, is that all of these pellets had the same POI.... which is dead center bullseye  :)  

The rifle is still bone stock, all I've done is strip it down and clean it.  I still have to do chrony testing but from the way the pellets have been hitting my steel spinner targets it's clear she's shooting nice and hard.  

I can't wait to take this gun to the duck farm and let her loose on some pests......  Best $54 bucks I ever spent  :)    
I'm still searching the local Walmarts hoping to find another one or 2.....

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline ray1377

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Re: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2010, 05:42:11 PM »
Hey Jeff
Glad to hear your pellet tests went so well.
My storm also likes the CPHP's
I had a Beeman RS2 model 1073 dual caliber before and it was heavy and never hit in the same spot twice.
I never did find a pellet that it liked at all.
I swore I'd never try another springer.
But boy am I glad I gave the Storm XT a try.
Mine is awesome.
I've did a light tune, by cleaning all the internals, smoothing and honing the rough spots, relubed and put a stainless steel washer between
the tophat and coil spring to help with spring torque. It smoothed it out alot.
Easy to cock, not very hold sensitive, and a pleasure to shoot.
I can hit dime and nickle size targets out to 30 yds with ease.
This gun has made me look at springers in a different light again!!!!!
Way to go Crosman.
The only good varmit is a dead varmit!
Benjamin Discovery .177 Rifle
Custom built Benjamin Discovery .22 Pistol
Crosman tuned Storm XT .177 Rifle
Crosman Highly Modified 1377 Carbine
Crosman 1377 stock
Crosman 1377 modified pistol
Powerline 880
Marksman Biathlon target rifle
Marksman 1911 springer pistol
Daisy Red Ryder

Offline arbantelope

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Re: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2010, 08:02:22 PM »
uh oh, sounds like it's capable of hitting your favorite spots - da fuse box & da pump house.  Beware duck farm invaders!
Alan - NorCal

PS:  Since I have two of the $54 gems, I'm thinking about calling crosman to order a .22 caliber Quest 800 barrel.
Only about $15, I'm a player.  Great way to get practice, already did a barrel chop on one.  hee hee.
Alan - NorCal

Offline Kosmickopp

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Re: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 06:15:12 AM »
I also purchased 2 of the $54 dollar Storm XT's from Walmart and find them to be excellent shooters.      My intention is to convert one to a .22 but was disappointed to learn from Crosman that the .22 barrel is currently unavailable.    Have to keep trying I guess.

Offline gamo2hammerli

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Re: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2010, 10:03:09 AM »
Jeff, you`ve got yourself a winner!!!!  Wow....that`s alot of different types of pellets your Storm XT likes...even better, they all go into the same hole.
Gamo: Expotec .177 + Big Cat .177 + Viper .177 + Whisper .177, Hammerli Titan .177, Diana model 24 .177, RWS-Diana P5 Magnum pistol .177, Crosman: G1 Extreme .177 + Storm XT .177 + Sierra Pro .177 + 1377 pistol .177, Air Arms S410SL .22, BSA Scorpion T10 .22, FX Cyclone .177, Remington Air Master 77 .177 + BB\'s,

Offline kiwi

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Re: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 11:44:32 PM »
It sounds about the same as my B19 ..same action...
it shoots anything out of a JSB tin &  never have to
touch the scope setting....If its like mine it should be doing
around the  920fps...
try HN FTTs...shoot great aswell


Spring guide sets...

If guns are outlawed ONLY outlaws will have guns

A tin of Gamo pellets is like a box of chocs U never know what yer going to get.....

Offline arbantelope

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Re: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2010, 07:24:54 AM »

Bummer, no .22 barrels at this time. I just called and found out that they are ordering 10 of them, but it will be 8 weeks before they are in. Will keep you posted on any findings. They have had several requests for the part in recent weeks/days. (Historically, barely any interest, which is why they don't have any on hand.)

Well, I think we know why there's a sudden demand. It's all wally worlds fault. lol


Alan - NorCal

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: $54 Storm XT Pellet Grouping Tests
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2010, 02:41:29 AM »
Yup, she's a fine shooter and not pellet picky at all......   a natural born hunter  :)

I'm looking forward to doing some chrony testing on her to see the actual numbers ,  just have to find the time now.....  :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"