Nice shooting. He looks like a fat one! I'm jealous of the "private land hunting" in your state. It just seems silly that you can't hunt the smaller game anyway anytime you want on your own land or your families.
What is crazy though is when I was in KS I found out that they could only take a SINGLE turkey in the spring! This is a state overran by the silly things, those AND deer! Heck in TN you can have four turkeys in the spring, but shoot just one per day (that is silly too, but not THAT silly). You could easily take a dozen deer in TN if you could hit all the WMAs. They have their own draws for tags and any animal taken there doesn't count against your yearly total. Now what you would do with that many is silly, but if you really wanted to do it you could.
On the good side I think you can take 2 coons per night. I don't think I'm in danger of ever hitting that limit. I get too cold before I can ever get that second one.
(On a bad note, my deep freeze expired taking my coon hides with it! They stank so bad from the spoiled beef in there I just threw them out).