Author Topic: HW 90 or AA 200HC?  (Read 2564 times)

Offline Zzyzx

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HW 90 or AA 200HC?
« on: June 18, 2010, 04:09:12 PM »
Am looking for info here on what will probably be the final purchase to fill out my string of rifles.(at least for now)

The Weirauch HW90 looks really inviting with the gas ram. The Air Arms 200HC also looks very good. I know the AA models are nice and accurate and well built and have read a lot more about them than the HW rifles though I understand both are excellent.

Any good reason to choose one over the other for a hunting rifle first, plinker second and hardly ever target shooter? Pickup/tractor time and field use will be a good part of the shooting experience whichever one I end up with.

Offline ctw19

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Re: HW 90 or AA 200HC?
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2010, 04:37:14 PM »
I have no experience with gas rams, but I see them as being complex.  A spring is simple, and can be cheaply replaced.  And the air arms tx200 hc is easy to take apart - you do not need a spring compressor!  So go with the tx200 hc, in .177.  I bought one a couple days ago, have been hunting with it a lot, and it is deadly.  buy it, you will not regret it.   I'm using a 3-9*32 leapers scope to cut down on weight, and diabolo field pellets, 8.44 grain.

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Re: HW 90 or AA 200HC?
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2010, 05:45:24 AM »
Joshua, as far as why to choose one over the other for your stated purposes with the parameters you listed: 1) A hunting rifle first,2)a plinker second,3) hardly ever as a target shooter, 4)ride around in the tractor cab or pick up truck until needed for shots of oportunity: With these objective parameters the advantage goes to the Theoben rammed HW90/RX2 over the AA TX. Here's why: The gas rammed rifle has an advantage in this case over the AA spring piston because you can safely leave the gun cocked and loaded for extended periods of time without loss of power when you do finally shoot it. With the AA TX model you really don't want to leave the gun cocked and loaded for any extended length of time without shooting the gun. Now leaving the gun cocked for 15-20 minutes shouldn't be a big deal with any springer but hours on end will effect the strength of the spring in a negative way. Besides, all compression and releasing of the spring is cumulative in the life of the spring.The spring (all and any springs for that matter)will gradually get weaker as you use it. Leaving it cocked and loaded for extended periods of time only exacerbates and accelerates this normal degradation. The gas ram on the other hand doesn't suffer from this inherent problem. Compressed gas doesn't get tired or get weaker the longer it stays compressed. It stays constant.Now if you had said your priorities were in a different order i.e. if target shooting and plinking were higher on your list and hunting was not the first priority then I would give the advantage to the TX which is superior to the gas rammed model for general purpose target shooting /plinking. The AA TX models are born to be accurate target shooters. That's where this gun really shines. Sure you can use it in the field and hunt effectively with it just like you can use a Mercedes Benz for off road racing. Is it really well suited (and dressed) for this purpose? Not really me thinks.I'm not knocking the the AA TX. I own one and love it dearly. I also have a gas rammed hunting rifle and clearly see the differences.

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Re: HW 90 or AA 200HC?
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2010, 06:38:18 AM »
Excellent reply David! Let me add a bit more to it. I can only speak on behalf or the HW,...haven't owned an AA rifle,....yet, but anyways. The HW90/RX series guns are actually a Theoben designed gun of the late 80' that Weihrauch liscenced out to manufacture. Probably so Beeman could offer a high end GasRam rifle. Just having the Theoben name stamped on the breech block is just plain COOL!!!  One hole groups at 30 an up yards is doable all day long. But these rifles were designed as a pure hunting rifle. The only down-side I can think of with the 90/RX is the weight. They are a heavy weapon. Not barrel heavy,... just a stout feeling rifle. Besides the fact that it can be cocked for extended periods of time as David said, the thing that stands out the most to me is the resetable safety of the trigger group!!! There's no need to re-cock the rifle. Just depress the front tab and and you're good to go for a better shot.   Noise level (shot cycle)  is also a very desireable trait with these shooters,..... A simple 'pop' and that's it. No twang, buzz, no torque twist. You can also  regulate the power to suit your taste with a pump. Good news is that PA will also have the pressure gauge available from Weihrauch in the near future!!!! A deffinate on my short list of AG accesories. For field use, I'd go with the HW90. For FT and paper the AA would probably be the better instrument. Best wishes on your new AG aquisition!!! tjk
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