Author Topic: TF 25, XS-B 25 Questions  (Read 4750 times)

Offline Augydogy

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TF 25, XS-B 25 Questions
« on: June 18, 2010, 08:37:08 PM »
I know they are both Chinese.
Are they the same?
Are parts interchangeable?
CDT website sells the trigger replacement to the TF 25, will it fit the XS-B 25?
I have a MM tuned B 25 and I would like to replace the trigger because if feels like you need to pull a mile before the shot goes off.
Any advice welcome.
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My toys:
* Gamo CFX, .177, Air Venturi gas ram, GTX III trigger, Bushnell 4-12x40 scope.
* MM tuned QB78, .177, Rich from Mich Shroud, Bushnell 4-12x40 scope.
* 2240, .22, 10\" barrel, Crooked Barn breech, Stace roller trigger, 6\" shroud, 3x6 Bugbuster Scope, stock power plant.
* 2240, .22, 14\" barrel, RJ breech, TKO trigger, 8\" shroud, 3x6 BugBuster scope, stock power plant.
* 2240, .177. 10\" barrel, open sights, stock power plant.
* Tech Force 6, .177, 7\" barrel, 3x6 BugBuster scope.
* RWS 48, .22, it\'s stock ... for now.

Offline JimL911

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RE: TF 25, XS-B 25 Questions
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2010, 09:31:04 PM »
No. The B25 is a copy of the Diana T-05 trigger. You can adjust the stage travel. Carefully turn the screw 1/4 - 1/3 turn and shoot a pellet. Too far will make for a touchy trigger so go slow.