Author Topic: Good will hunting  (Read 2255 times)

Offline grackledown

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Good will hunting
« on: June 19, 2010, 07:49:28 AM »
This thread is about the topic of ethics and hunting. Much of what I will be writing here is obviously my own personal opinion and can be subject to debate. However, I would appreciate if I the kinds of people I am about to descibe would spare me and the rest of us from any of their insight.
If you are someone who drinks and hunts, please move on to the next thread. You will gain nothing by continuing here.
If you are someone who will shoot at a raccoon wth a .177 cal. Beeman R7 (a 7 ft.-llb. rifle), please move on to the next thread.
If you hunt deer with a bow and arrow (you hear me Ted Nugent?), please ...
If you hunt with an air pistol, please...
If you have posted pictures on this website of squirrels that you have shot through the belly and are proud of that, please ...
If you do not understand what Robert DeNiro's character in The Deer Hunter meant when he said "One shot, that's what it's all about", please...
If you enjoy seeing a wounded animal squirming on the ground (and I have had the dubious honor of meeting someone like this. I don't know how we seem to manufacture people like this but we never seem to run out of them),please...
And finally, if you think that trying to be on the side of righteousness is for sissies or suckers, know that I wish you well. But please stay off of this thread and most of all, stay the hell away from me.
I say this because I believe that it is a waste of time to try to reason with the unreasonable.

Whew! Now that I got that off my chest, on to the topic at hand.
To me the most important thing is to know your own limitations. There is a myth that has been propagated (I suspect by the airgun industry in order to sell more airguns) that if you can shoot 1 inch groups, you can humanely dispatch small game. I contend that if you are using a .22 cal. rifle you need to find the maximum distance that you can shoot 5/8 inch groups center to center consistently. And by consistently I don't mean most of the time, I mean ALL of the time. For me that distance is 25 yards, although most of my shots are taken at 20 yards or less. You can hunt with .177 cal., but the kill zone is smaller. With .177 cal. 1/2 inch groups ctc are required. This is the main reason why all of my hunting rifles are .22 caliber. Also, this is for small game  (starlings, grackles etc.). For larger (skunks, raccoons etc.) game 3/4 inch groups are fine, but I would only use .22 caliber. If the maximum distance that you can shoot these kinds of groups is less that you would like, the solution is obvious. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. You will get better, I promise.
The other thing is to make sure that you use the correct rifle for the type of game you are hunting and the distance to your quarry. A .177 caliber low powered rifle like the R7 is fine for dispacthing starlings at 10-20 yards, but I wouldn't use it on a raccoon at any distance.

Thanks in advance to any positive and/or respectfully critical response to this tread. I'll end by saying that if you are part of the ethos described at the beginning of this thread, try not to be offended. Ultimately it is between you and your maker.

Offline Tpatner412

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Re: Good will hunting
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 09:02:58 AM »
I agree with ya. I mean I've shot animals that haven't died
on impact and are left gasping until you put another pellet into them
but whenever that happens I feel completely and utterly dissatisfied
with the kill. I think that it's
different for backyard hunters and hunters who go out and stalk their prey though. I feel like those who actually put the time in to achieving their goal may be a little more up tight about the whole "one shot, one
kill" thing. With good reason though. Hunting bigger game in my mind gets closer and closer to us thinking about what were actually doing....killing.  I remember when I shot my first chipmunk and looking at it's life less body
I couldn't help realize the similarities to more human like creatures
such as apes and monkeys. Just
my thoughts on all
of this. I think this is a great post. Thanks for bringing it up.

\"Mess with the best, die like the rest.\"

Offline grackledown

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Re: Good will hunting
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2010, 09:43:57 AM »
Just one more thing that I should have added. Please do not misunderstand this thread as some holier than thou self righteous rant. I've never claimed to be righteous. Only that I try to be. I don't always succeed. Unfortunately, there are many among us who are unwilling to even try. Also, I hope this thread is not moved to the religion and politics forum. This is neither a political issue nor a religious one. It is simply about right and wrong and my perception of it. I wrote this specifically for the hunters out there, and as an expression of the moral struggles that I continue to have myself as a hunter.