Author Topic: Bent barrel, trail npxl .22  (Read 9065 times)

Offline uncle paulie

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Bent barrel, trail npxl .22
« on: June 20, 2010, 03:37:57 AM »

After about 600 rounds and a new seal and clean up, my xl was starting to settle down and tighten up the groups. Things were getting sweeter by the shot but I was still having some doubts about the factory scope. It would seem that I would ask for a click or two of adjustment, and there would be virtually no change in the POI. Further adjustment would cause the POI to jump over the mark to the other side. I decided to send the scope to Center point and decided to continue the break-in, just sending rounds down range until I could wrap the scope for shipping. I guess that I became a bit lax in my routine and when cocking the gun it slipped off my thigh. I wasn't ready for the return snap and the barrel has become bent upwards. It moved my POI about 14". I know I can wait until tomorrow for these answers from Crosman, but my anxiety level is running pretty much out-of-control right about now!


1) Would this be something Crosman would cover under warrantee?

2) Does it make any sense to try and straighten the barrel? (seems to have bent right at the breach block) If realistic, what would be the technique?

3) Are there replacement barrels available from Crosman?


Offline ezman604

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RE: Bent barrel, trail npxl .22
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2010, 04:16:53 AM »

Paul, I just got finished reworking an XL1100 that had a bent barrel. I took my spring compressor and drilled some holes in it to make it a barrel straightening jig also. I worked on this barrel for over 2 hours and was never able to get it straight enough to suit me.

Parts will not be available for the XL series until maybe February 2011, according to Crosman. I had a spare barrel from a Super Streak that I modified to fit the XL. Test fired it and aligned the scope yesterday. Shoots like a champ. I am having a custom shroud made for it that will top the project off.

Not sure if Crosman will cover it as warranty but would guess they will. They have very good customer service and you could claim the beartrap malfunctioned. Worth a try anyway.


Crosman/Revelation 760 PumpMaster (Vintage 1967)
Powerline 1000S .177 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Super Streak .177/.22 (semi-tuned by me)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1500 (bone stock)
Benjamin Trail NP XL1100 (project gun)
TF89 .22 (tuned by Gene)
Winchester 1000WS .177 (semi-tuned by muwah)
QB57 (l

Offline kp4att

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RE: Bent barrel, trail npxl .22
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2010, 05:49:10 AM »



(Feb 3, 2010)
SUMATRA 500cc .22 - mira: Centerpoint 6-24 x 50 mm

MARAUDER .177 - mira: Leapers 8-32 x 56 mm (30mm)

RWS 48 .177 -     mira: Leapers 4-16 x 50 mm

RWS 350 .22  -  mira Centerpoint 3-9 x 50 mm

GAMO WHISPER VH .177 - mira BSA Panther 2.5-10 x 44 mm

953 .177 (INDOOR) - mira Simmons 3-9 x 32 mm

Offline Bogey

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RE: Bent barrel, trail npxl .22
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2010, 05:51:04 AM »
Paul,  I straitened a barrel on a new B-26.   It was also bent upwards.   It came that way.   More or less the bend started at the breech block also.     I had to puzzle out the situation and  it was slightly more work than I thought it would be.   Seems that these " cheap chinese" barrels are tougher than you would be led to believe.    It turned out sucussfully.   But it was a trial and effort project.  Bend it some and check again.  I used  several levels in the project.   Gun now shoots 3/8ths groups at 15 yards.

However,  in your situation,   I don't know what I would do.   Regretfully it happened on such a new AG.

Gentleman of Fortune.


Offline uncle paulie

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RE: Bent barrel, trail npxl .22
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2010, 11:58:16 AM »
Thanks for the replies, I guess the best thing to do is to give it to crosman, its worth the shot. If they can't see their way to cover it, I guess I can get out the sledge hammer, my guess is that one or two good wacks should do it! I really do find it hard to believe that they lag sooo far behind production with replacement parts for these things... how hard could it be to pull a few of everything off the assembly line to have a few spares on hand, seems it would be a lot cheaper to replace a barrel for someone than to replace the whole gun... heck, I'd be more than happy to pay for a barrel than to go through the rigors of re-seasoning and re-sealing one of these( I did actually enjoy tearing it down, though; it added something to the pride of ownership)  I'll post as to what crosmans response is to the situation.

Offline wahoowad

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Re: Bent barrel, trail npxl .22
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2010, 01:13:57 AM »
I have heard of a somewhat similar situation with a Trail XL. The new seal will make that gun seem like a modded gun to Crosman so they will consider the warranty voided. They *do* have replacement barrels and can decide to send you one if you ask nice. Or they can sell you one, supposedly they are pretty cheap. They are made in china after all...
Beeman R9 .20
FX Whisper .22