Cool. What kind of feed do you get at the feed store? There is a large feed in the next town over but have never been there. I always thought they would want me to buy volume, or minimum like 500lbs or barrels of the stuff. I only have a small SUV and not sure I can haul all that stuff. A 30gal barrel I might be able to squeeze in the back of the SUV

If it will attract night critters in the winter that is, or crows! hehe

maybe they have one for night critter to? This guy keeps calling me about raccoon skins and every time I try to explain to him that coon season is not until October. Now that I know he is desperate for the skins I will increase my price because it takes me a long time to skin them so I don't damage the pelt. The last time he came I sold him the whole coon because I was too tired to pull on that skin that night and he came early in the mornng after I got like 3hrs sleep. I think I will ask him to make me a hat next time, if he can
So what is "Ed's famous secret feed recipe"?