Author Topic: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)  (Read 10288 times)

Offline only1harry

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Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« on: June 21, 2010, 09:05:31 AM »
but there was a 3d one that moved out of my property believe it or not!  He had some nerve abandoning my beautiful tool shed :)  

I had the big Wheeping Willow Tree cut down and removed on Friday, and Saturday morning at 10am I watched a young G-hog come out of the tool shed. He did not stop to eat but walked straight down my lawn about 45-50yds away from the tool shed, then made a right turn and crossed the road where he went out of sight!  All the machinery must have scared the crap out of it the day before, and he decided he wanted to live somewhere more quiet.  I have posted some pics of the huge tree getting cut down (4.5ft in diameter!) and I can now see the other side of my property again.  I can't really shoot down that 60-65yd stretch because of the houses across the street and the neighbor's on the left, but it's nice to have an open area with no branches and thousands of Willow leaves constantly falling to the ground.  This tree had dumped 2 huge branches the size of large trees since the big snow storm in February, and another big one hanging down, so it was time for it to go. I will miss the shade and the crows I have shot or could have shot from that tree, but I think I made the right choice (it took me to the bank too!! hehe).  

So I thought the last young G-hog was gone, but that same day Sat. afternoon I spotted another young one come out of the bushes 17-18yds behind the tool shed, where the lawn starts.  He fed and then went under the shed, explored a little, came out 5-10min. later and disappeared into the trees beyond the lawn where he came from.  So now I know there were 3 little ones, and not 2 as I thought.  I watched him all day Sunday, and took Jeff's advice to let him be for a while to attract other G-hogs (targets) but today I just couldn't hold out any longer :)  He came out of the brush again around 10:30am and proceeded to feed moving towards the tool shed.  He got within 5yds of the tool shed and then turned and started going towards the rocks by the neighbor's house.  He had his back to me and kept standing up to look around.  
He had reached the 30yd mark and was moving away and to the right where the shed was going to block my view.  It was still facing away from me when I decided to switch from the Diana 36 .177 to the Condor .25 and shoot it in the back of the skull when he stands up again.  The young G-hog made its routine check again by standing up, and I put the crosshairs in the back of its head as it stood there with its back to me.  I squeezed the Condor's trigger and the G-hog went down.  I reloaded quickly and then saw the G-hog's tail go from left to right which means he still has a little bit left in him.  The young G-hog all of a sudden pushed forward a couple of feet with its head down, and almost went out of sight because the shed was blocking my view.  It looked like it stopped and I could only see the rear half of its body and took a quartering shot.  There was no movement.  It had to be dead before I took that 2nd shot.  It did not survive the .25cal JSB King to the head for more than 5secs.

I pushed some fur aside and found the POI right in the middle of the back of its skull.  The 2nd shot which was not needed, had gone through the abdominal area on both sides.  The little G-hogs are usually pretty tough and in many cases muster strength to push forward with their hind legs for a couple of seconds.  I 'm not sure if that is a reflex or if they are doing it on their own to get away.  It has happened to most of the younger ones I have shot but don't move for more than a couple of feet and expire.  Whereas the big ones just drop and don't go anywhere.  Probably because it is easier for the pellet to find their larger brain cavity.
Here is why the other G-hog took off!  
Diana 36 .177
Diana 350 .22 (donated by Timmy!)
Diana 350 .177
Air Force Condor .22 (Airhog)
Air Force Condor .25 (Talon Tunes)
Air Force Condor .25 (Lemak)  
RWS Hammerli 850 .22
Crosman 2240 Custom .22
A few Crosman pumpers .177

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 09:31:42 AM »
Good shooting Harry,,,, nice pics as well.  That does indeed look like it was one huge tree !!!  I've had quite a few trees removed from my property over the years and even though each removal  was necessary I still always felt bad to see the trees go.  But, ya gotta do what what ya gotta do sometimes.    

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Offline shadow

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RE: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 09:46:24 AM »
Well there went the G-hogs shade tree hehe. I use my fireplace during the winter and that wood stuff is like Gold to me and just think you could have milled the lumber and built another shed to house more G-hogs. :o  :) Great shooting on the youngster Harry and super pic's of tree remove and G-hog removal. Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline only1harry

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RE: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2010, 11:04:51 AM »
Thanks buddies :)  

Ed:  Wheeping Willow wood is pretty useless.  Can't build anything with it or burn it.  Otherwise I would use it in my wood stove.  It doesn't dry out well and it keeps trying to grow branches even after it has been removed from the trunk or cut up.  I burn wood too but not "full-time" in the winter time.  When I am at work my wife doesn't bother with it.  I used to go through 2 cords but now I go through 1 cord.  Too bad because I could save an extra $500-600 between December and March with that 2nd cord of wood, because I have electric heat.

Jeff:  When are you heading to the farm?  It's going to be kind of hot all week, but the G-hogs will be out.
Diana 36 .177
Diana 350 .22 (donated by Timmy!)
Diana 350 .177
Air Force Condor .22 (Airhog)
Air Force Condor .25 (Talon Tunes)
Air Force Condor .25 (Lemak)  
RWS Hammerli 850 .22
Crosman 2240 Custom .22
A few Crosman pumpers .177

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2010, 11:12:17 AM »
Harry, I haven't been able to do any hunting at all lately   :0

We are in the process of having our entire back yard torn apart and re-landscaped and for the past 3 weeks I've had to stay close to home to monitor all the work.  Between the landscapers, the masons, the irrigation contractor, the electricians and the army of workers that come with them  I haven't been able to sneak away for even a 5 minutes starling hunt  :(

I'm really looking forward to all this work being completed so I can get my life back to normal again.    I'm hoping by the end of this week all the work should finally be completed.  If it is the first thing I'm doing is grabbing a rifle and heading for the duck farm  :)

In the meantime I'll have to get my hunting "fix" from the posts you and Ed make  :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline shadow

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RE: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2010, 11:33:46 AM »
I heard that about Willow, useless for burning. Jeff I've been wondering why I haven't seen no hunt's from you bro, building a critter paradise in the back yard. :) Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2010, 11:42:00 AM »
That's just about what my yard is slowing becoming....  the landscapers have put in so many different kind of plants, flowers and trees that it's amazing.  I don't know one plant from another, my wife and the landscaper picked them all out.  Apparently the g-hogs under my sheds like the new plants as well because they keep coming out from under the sheds and keep trying to get over to the new plant beds,,,, they are so brazen that they're even doing this while people are out in the yard working....   I guess there must be some plants in there that the g-hogs are addicted to cause they keep trying to get to them.  Problem is with all these workers around I can't start shooting away  :(   But when all the work is finally done and the workers are all gone I think I'm gonna have some good shooting  :)   Gotta protect all these new plants  !!!!!    :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline jake

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RE: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2010, 11:48:08 AM »
nice shooting harry, that sure was one big tree
if at first you dont succeed, re-load, kill count 2010.

Offline dk1677

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Re: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2010, 04:12:57 PM »
Nice shooting there Harry! Yes that was a big tree!
Hammerli 850, Beeman RS3 ,Gamo viper express,Crosman 180

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Re: Willow tree gone.. and Goundhogs of course :)
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2010, 04:50:50 AM »
nice shooting
great pics