Author Topic: "ULTRA VIOLET" is one mean girl  (Read 4545 times)

Offline pindog2000

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"ULTRA VIOLET" is one mean girl
« on: June 21, 2010, 04:23:08 PM »
Well i know im not the only one that has a name for his airrifles lol 8) well reading some of the resent kills on the hunting gate and two from Ed  using my old browning 800 mag got me motivated i had the day off to go see the laker parade but opted to do some yard work instead decided its a hot day out so ,let me go play with (ultra violet) my custom 2250 xt blessed by roy weid and mr shadow .So i sighted her in slapped a 88 gram co2 bottle and got the cphp .22 for her  boy she has some  power i guess roy did his magic i dont have a chrony but im sure she is pushing at least 700 fps with  14.3 grainers so i got some lemonaid came back out and i see a dove flying around in the backyard and took off i must of waited for 15 mins and the dove came back and landed on a tree approx 17-19 yrds out. I couldnt see the dove blended in nicely but luckily i had my binoculars on stanby quietly loaded a  cphp .22 scoped her in and shot all u heard was a big thud! the dove dropped in a pile of some broken up concrete slabs in the back yard so i fished her out and took some pics with my cam phone man this bird had a big hole in the neck area the cphp took some flesh off, this bird was dead on impact lol i send the pics to ED so he can post them for me so be patient  folks  :emoticon:
keep your eyes on the prize & dont let it crawl away.