Author Topic: Crow Magnum/RWS Superdome .22 Pellet Review/Question  (Read 8896 times)

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Crow Magnum/RWS Superdome .22 Pellet Review/Question
« on: May 31, 2007, 05:55:52 AM »
As many of you know I newer to airgunning (a bit over 6 months).  I own a .22 RWS 34 Panther and have fired various pellets through it (Crow Magnums, Superdomes,Silver Arrows, and Meisterkugeln ). I don't have a chrony as of yet and I know that without one I am just really spinning my wheels as far as FPE, but from  my 20 yd. groupings I am getting the best results from the Crow Magnums and Superdomes.  The others aren't bad, they give 3/4" groups or less, but the Crow Mags and Superdomes consistently group at 1/2" or less from bench with 10 shot groups.  

After reading DA TUNA's recommendation regarding heavy pellets  (recommends less than 15 grains for .22) and the potential damage to the spring I getting away from the Crow Magnums for punching paper, but since I like paper punching with what I hunt I am facing a dilemma.  Based on take on the RWS 34 .22, the best coefficients come from Crosman Premiers, Beeman Trophy, Beeman FTS (ALL UNDER 15 GRAINS).  So I am going to order these 3, but does anyone have any  suggestions for a 4th tin?

Consider I like paper punching and hunting with same pellet and pellets should be under DA TUNA's recommendation of less than 15 Grains.

Thank you in advance  :)

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Re: Crow Magnum/RWS Superdome .22 Pellet Review/Question
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 06:15:37 AM »
Yes get a tin of JSB Exacts. Then see how those group, if they shoot well you can be reasonably assured that you can shoot predators with no change in POA..

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Crow Magnum/RWS Superdome .22 Pellet Review/Question
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2007, 07:25:02 AM »
I agree with the JSB Exacts.  They shoot well out of most of my guns and I've used them while hunting and they work very well.  

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline Gene_SC

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RE: Crow Magnum/RWS Superdome .22 Pellet Review/Question
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 09:26:14 AM »
Robert, I have tried the Gamo Hunter Round Nose Pellets and for me they work very well.. I do not know the price difference between the Gamo Hunters and JSB's, but you may consider using them at one time or another...:) Both eightyeight and Jeff are correct about the JSB's. They are a good pellet..

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

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Offline shadow

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RE: Crow Magnum/RWS Superdome .22 Pellet Review/Question
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2007, 10:16:20 AM »
The Gamo Hunter's and Pro Magnums both work killier on small game, larger game like P-Dog's too, shot placement is a must with the P-Dog's. I switch to the Predators or Tomahawk's for drop dead performence. :o Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

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RE: Crow Magnum/RWS Superdome .22 Pellet Review/Question
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2007, 05:39:41 PM »
My first reaction is to go with the crowd here.
Get those JSB Exacts.
Another good one is JSB's other product, the Predator Polymer Tip, which seems to shoot pretty flat, and smites pest birds as if they had been struck with a Harpoon missile.
A particular favorite of mine that performs in both my .177 & .22 Gamo CFXs is the Beeman Ram Jet.
Those little roundnoses with the rim shoot like a dream in both, and they turn what would be a glancing blow with all other pellets into a knockdown.

Offline Black Mamba

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Gotta agree with some previous suggestions...
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2007, 04:11:14 PM »
I really think it's all going to depend on three things:

Accuracy at distance
FPE at X distance
What you want to happen.

For the most part, either Crosman Pted, Domed or JSB Predators are going to have the FPE you want when you hit the critter.

Out of the bunch, in my experience, the Predators are going to do the most damage.

You can "try" every round made but what's going to work for you is what you shoot most accurately.  It's really that simple.

If you can hit a 1" target every time a 30 yards with a particular round THAT is what will work for you out in the field.  If you need more distance than that then you need to work a little bit more.

For me, with my .22's it is different.  My RWS 350 is horrifically dead on with Barracuda's/Kodiaks up to 40 yards.  With my B30 it's all about the Crosman Domes.  (This is not counting the damage done by JSB Predators).

Truly, accuracy at distance is the key.  Foot pounds of Energy is secondary to accuracy.
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