Let's see , at the time that picture was taken , the one on the left was a 18" barrel Talon in 177 and set up to shoot off a 12OZ bottle of CO2 and would get over 600 shots the best I remember at about 730 fps, the one on the right is a Talon SS in .177 set up with a standard Talon tank and would shoot about 850fps with the power wheel set on 2 , with it set on about 6 it will shoot in the 1000fps range and is very quiet up and down the power settings. The one one the left is now the shorter one in the bottom pictures and has a 12" shrouded barrel and although is quiet , it's not as quiet as the SS . These guns are very versatile, I can go from shooting with CO2 at 675fps to 1000+fps with just a bottle and power wheel change. Oh yea , they both have Lothar Walther barrels so they put a pellet wherever you point it . And if I get bored shooting .177 I can order a new barrel in .22 cal and change it out in less than 10 minutes . A 12" barrel is $99 and the 18" and 24 " (which are not shrouded and would be louder but more powerful by at least 100fps per each 6" increase) are $139.99 and $149.99 . These guns are a lot of fun to shoot . The biggest cons to them is having to get use to how to the hold them with the tank being your butt stock and the necessary high scope mounting . kirby