Author Topic: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung  (Read 9005 times)

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Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« on: August 10, 2007, 02:40:43 PM »

Hope this is the correct forum to ask this question. It's made in Korea so China Gate did not sound right.

Has anyone owned and or fired/used one of these items, Career Fire 201S (9mm) or the Career Ultra (9mm) by ShinSung?

One of the reasons I started reading this forum was, I want a Quackenbush 308 and getting one is not the easiest thing to do. So I thought I'd bone up and make one. Thinking that was the only show in town.

With some looking, I found something that might fill the bill without making chips, with the Career Fire 201S being that item.

If you know of any other air guns in the or about this caliber (I do not want a 50 caliber) would you please point in in that direction.


Offline Gene_SC

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Re: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2007, 03:09:27 PM »
Is that a PCP? If so we need to move your post to the PCP Forum....:)

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

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Offline PeakChick

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RE: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2007, 03:22:20 PM »
Roy, obviously the Career rifles are PCP, so I have moved it to this forum. The guys here are all big PCP enthusiasts, and may be better able to answer your questions.
The current stable, (arsenal, quiver?): BSA Lightning XL .177, BSA Sportsman HV .22, BSA Ultra .177, CZ634 .177, Daystate Harrier X .177, TAU 200 Senior .177, HW 97 .177, HW 50s .177, HW 30 .177, RWS 92 .177, Gamo 126 MC Super, Gamo Big Cat .177, AR2078A, QB78 .177, Quest 1000 .177, Beeman SS650 .177., Beeman P17 .177.

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RE: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2007, 07:52:14 AM »

It appears that no one has used and or owned a Career Fire 201S.

That is sad.  

I would also like to have info. on a DAQ .308 Exile.

I would like info. on high powered air rifles.


Offline jon

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RE: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2007, 08:42:43 AM »
The rifle you are speaking of is only popular with a small number of airgunners in the US due to the extreme noise and power they produce.

The gun itself is on a blurred line between airguns and firearms, personally (dont take this the wrong way) I'd buy a rimfire instead, the ammo will be cheaper, the guns are equally as noisy, equaly powerful and you would need to buy lots of air, I doubt it gets more than 5 shots a fill before re-filling.

In many places it would be illegal to use for hunting, there are no shooting sports that allow that kind of power (at least in an airgun).  So you are left with target shooting......5 shots a fill aint too handy with a PCP.

This is just my take of course, there are some big-bore airgun hunters that love these rifles, but you just need to find a place that allows it.
I like fancy bb guns

Offline leftcoast1

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RE: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2007, 10:00:08 AM »
The power that a gun produces does not determine it's classification. The determining factor is the powerplant. Airguns are what they are no matter the power 1 fpe to ?????. There are some states that allow hunting of large game with bigbore airguns 9mm and larger. I'm not coming down on Jon but we have enough going against our community with people like primegun. Just choose your words carefully. Refering to bigbores as boarderline firearms is just as bad as S word is IMHO. If any of the Moderators feel I'm out of line with this reply please delete it.
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This Exile?
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2007, 10:43:40 AM »
I have an Ultra and a Fire 201 but prefer DAQ size and weight.
BothCareer are accurate and justabout 100fpe for around a dozen shots, thenvelocity drops quickly as pressure drops.
Firearms are 'long range' {read miles}dangerous while airguns need ALOT of effort and practice to evenbe usefulpast 50m out toabout 100mor so.
So far the consistancy ofmy groupskeepme within 100m but'powerwise'a few of these bb gunscould takemedium game at 400m as long as the 40+ foot trajectoriesare properly compensated for. {Can you even get artillery sights builtfor a hand held rifle?}
What elsewere you wanting to know about them?

Offline jon

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Re: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2007, 10:48:51 AM »
No No No

I'm am not offended in the least.......I believe these big bore PCP's have there place in airgunning and there should be no limit to power.

They are however as powerful as some firearms (I had to say it) which to me is a logistical issue, and a safety issue for MY situation.  And I believe others without the open space dont buy them due to the nose and power they produce, not because they dont agree with a high power PCP's place in the airgunning sport in general.

PCP's with this type of power do have a limited application there is no denying that.  Shooting one of these in suburbia is asking for trouble you must admit (and someone will eventually try it).  

I like fancy bb guns

Offline leftcoast1

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Re: Career Fire 201S by ShinSung
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2007, 12:46:48 PM »
They are not for plinking unless you have the cash for the lead. Your right they have there place and it is becoming a large community quickly. I also agree with you on the point that they are not a suburbia gun. Some of CO2's are going to get me in trouble if I'm not careful. It could have been me reading to much into your post for the way I responded. Thank you for not being offended sometimes (well almost all the time ) I come across a little gruff no harm intended. Thanks for the response settled in true GTA style. :-)>
A couple of Springers nothin to get excited about.

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RE: This Exile?
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2007, 01:32:48 PM »

LOL damn J ya made me put on my glasses for that reply.... hehe I always like reading your posts though so out came the reading specs :o


Ok I shoot....maybe not well but I do shoot hehe, B26-2.177, X3-B3-2 .177, RWS 34 .177, QB78 Deluxe .177, CR 1322 Medalist