Author Topic: Recieved my QB .25 cal today......  (Read 2306 times)

Offline Gene_SC

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Recieved my QB .25 cal today......
« on: July 25, 2006, 12:32:01 PM »
and barely had a chance to fire off some pellets before it got to late to see... :) Hits hard and makes big holes... lol. I will try and find time to chrony it next week. I will be busy pumping up my new Sumatra .22 cal this weekend to get back to the QB... he he

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin

Offline DanoInTx

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RE: Recieved my QB .25 cal today......
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2006, 06:05:18 PM »
.... I will be busy pumping up my new Sumatra .22 cal this weekend to get back to the QB... he he

What you need is an 11 year old kid like mine.  Tell him "I bet you can't pump this thing 300 times in 2 minutes"...."ready, set, go!!!!"
If he doesn't take the bet just offer the same bet to his 9 year old brother, then they can see who can pump faster.  I've already got the kids, now I just need a PCP and a pump!


Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline Gene_SC

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RE: Recieved my QB .25 cal today......
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2006, 11:59:49 PM »
Good one Dan, But I have to wait till my grandboys come over then.... lol

THE ONES I SLEEP WITH: BSA Lightning XL, AA TX-200, AA ProSport, BSA Ultra, HW-97K, Crosman NPSS .177, FX Cyclone, HW-30 Nicle Plated, AA-S200, Crosman Marauder, CZ-634, R-9 DG, Webley/Scott UK Tomahawk, Benji Kantana, Benji Marauder, Benji Discovery.....

Gene\'s Tunz n Toyz
Springer Tunin