Author Topic: Pistol review Walther PPK/s  (Read 14672 times)

Offline dank

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Pistol review Walther PPK/s
« on: February 15, 2008, 09:43:17 PM »

GRABBED ONE since they're Down to $39.99 from $87.

I thought the original price was suspicious until it arrived and found it came as the kit not just the gun. That's with C02 cart ,glasses, and bb's.(like I needed more of them?)
Tough decision but I ordered one in spite of the low advertised fps because the reviews were so good and spoke mostly of it being trouble free and identical to the original in size and feel.
Now I know why. There is nothing out there this well built for this kind of money.
It's a little class act. Heavier than its small size would indicate w/lots of metal and good looking. Fun to shoot with the blow back action and reasonably accurate for a smoothbore bb gun. Cant expect much but still fun and a nice addition to anyones pistol collection. It's ' small very quiet good looking and extremely un-toy like.

My favorite gun of all time is the last one I bought!!

Offline DanoInTx

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Re: Pistol review Walther PPK/s
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 04:57:42 AM »
Always wondered about these, how is the trigger?  I had a Gamo PT80 for about 2 days, but returned it because the trigger was like lifting boulders up a mountain with a billy goat kicking you in the butt:)

Current shooters: Beeman HW97K .177 with Hawke Eclipse 4x16x50SFAO and Steve C. stock, Beeman R9 .177 with Hawke Airmax 4-12x40AO and Gene\'s Midas touch, Air Arms S200 with Bushnell Banner 6x24x40AO Rowan brass bling and Steve C. custom stock, BAM B25, BAM B40 .177 with BSA 3x12x44AO, Benjamin Marauder .22, Benjamin 397 pumper.

\"repeat this mantra:
Air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzz, air gunzzzzzzz!!!  ...You will feel better\" T.E.C.2008

Offline dank

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Re: Pistol review Walther PPK/s
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 11:25:46 AM »
No comparison to the Gamo. I'm not fond of that trigger either I always pull the trigger back 1st before pilling the trigger.
 Like most blowback guns the blowbacl action on the ppk presets the 1st stage of the trigger so all you're doing is pulling the 2nd stage. light & crisp like my Beretta px4 & Desert Eagle. Sweet!
My favorite gun of all time is the last one I bought!!

Offline cole5169

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RE: Pistol review Walther PPK/s
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2008, 12:35:11 PM »
I ordered one of these from Cabelas when I heard they went on special.  This afternoon, the package was waiting for me on the front porch.

I didn't know this was a kit!  I thought I was getting the gun alone for $39, but an extra $1 or $2 of goodies is always appreciated.  (Plus, I haven't shot BBs in over 20 years, so I didn't have any knocking about)  The clampack (shown) came in a large overpack carton with airpacking.

I'm impressed with the heft of the pistol, it feels about right, compared to the real-steel (without a magazine full of rounds, of course, but still!).  Lots of metal, including the trigger (more on that later), hammer, slide and almost all the lower receiver save the last 3/4 inch on the grip.  Safety lever is disappointingly plastic, as is the "knob" on the powerlet piercing screw (more on that, too).  Grips are plastic, but well fitting.

The PPK uses a stick-magazine which holds "15 BB's" - mine will hold 16, but I took the last one out fearing a jam.  The mag is VERY plastic, and hopefully there are extras out there, because I KNOW I will step on this one at some point...

The packaging and literature I got with mine boasts a "rifled steel barrel", but mine appears to be brass, and IS smoothbore (which I actually expected it would be, so who cares if marketing got a little confused?)  The barrel is actually a little skinny tube surrounded by a polymer sheath - not unusual.

The safety lever catches (intentionally) in a little cutout on the right-side grip plate (you can just see the cutout in the picture above, directly behind the FIRE red dot), and it is a little tricky to take off-SAFE.  I am sure this was well-intentioned, but ends up being fiddly, and (for me) hard to operate with the trigger finger.  I find it best to use my off-hand to push the lever against the frame using my thumb to disengage the safety.  I don't know about anyone else, but I disapprove of "fiddly" anywhere near the trigger...

BUT what a NICE trigger it is!  Pull is very light ( I have a Gamo PT-80 also, don't worry, this is soooooo much better), and the release is crisp and predictable.  There is no double action on this pistol, so there is no long, creeping "1st stage" to reset the hammer.  Since it's single-action, the hammer must be cocked for each shot, which occurs automatically with recoil or you can cock it by hand when necessary.

p.s.  There is no slide lock, and I was able to take the picture above only by wedging a toothpick in front of the slide.  Sorry!
CORRECTION - well, sort of...there STILL is no slide lock, but the slide DOES lock back on an empty magazine.  Wasted a perfectly good toothpick!

The hammer CAN be lowered, rendering the pistol somewhat safer. Carefully hold it back with your thumb while pulling the trigger and ease it down. (on FIRE only, the hammer is disengaged on SAFE).  Now the pistol cannot be fired until it is recocked.  UNLIKE most airSOFT pistols, the BB PPK doesn't "load" a BB when the slide is cocked back.  All BB's stay in the magazine until the gun is fired.  So the cocking-decocking actions can take place however often, without double-loading the barrel - although any "extra" BB in the barrel would just roll out anyway, the bore is quite loose.

With such a small valve (it's tiny), the gas impulse is very brief, and muzzle velocity is very slow.  Accuracy was...well there wasn't any...but I didn't buy this to compete at 10 meters. :)  The recoil is surprisingly strong and realistic-feeling (for a $40 BB gun!), and the pistol jumps around in the hand nicely.

The powerlet fits under the left-side grip panel, which is removed by prying it up from the bottom and lifting off.  The piercing screw is rather long, and has a large, plastic knob at the end.  In the above pic, the screw is tightened all the way, and the powerlet is pierced.  It would have been nice to get a smaller protrusion from the bottom of the gun, and I will probably alter (or, ruin) mine by cutting the screw short with a Dremel and adding a lower-profile knurled knob...or maybe just cutting a slot into the end (after cutting it shorter) to accept a screwdriver blade...hmmm, better order a spare gun now...

I took it outside and fired off a full magazine, then settled down to shoot at a 2-inch bullseye from 5 meters.  I was going to take a picture, when I finished laughing, but there is no point, really.  Out of 15 shots, there were 12 on the paper (I'm sure the other three a lot), none in the bull.  Maybe I will buy some other shot (are GAMO perfect rounds any good?) the next time I place an order with Pyramyd Air or Compasseco...  But for now I will probably just buy a couple thousand Crosman BB's.

The Walther PPK BB pistol made for Crosman is nicely finished, heavy, and a lot of fun... I got my $39 worth, and probably then some.  I would have eventually spent the full $75-$90 I've seen it go for, anyway. :)


Offline bodiej

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Re: Pistol review Walther PPK/s
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2010, 05:59:47 AM »
I know this is an old post, but I loved this gun (when it was working)!!  Took it apart for a cleaning and lost the tiny tiny black screw on top of the slide that holds it to the action..  Wonder if I can find one of them at a hardware store or if I'd have to order one from the maker..  Seems a silly little thing to have shipped, but I don't know the size of the screw..