Author Topic: Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol  (Read 20398 times)

Offline longislandhunter

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Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol
« on: September 16, 2006, 11:26:04 AM »
Finally got a chance to shoot the Crosman 1377c I received the other day.  This will only be a partial review as my first backyard shooting session with the gun was just a short session  before I have to get ready for work.  Anyway, My first shooting impression is that so far I like the gun very much.  Feels comfortable in my grip, is easy to pump, easy to load, and fun to shoot.  The trigger felt a little stiff at first, but after awhile I got the feel for it and actually like it now.  
         I started out with Crosman pointed pellets at 10 yards and with the first shot, without having to adjust the rear sight, was hitting just  above  the X ring. The copperhead pointers were making a nice tight group, almost touching each other.  I moved back to 20 yards and the shots opened up  due to my eyes and sighting difficulty with my glasses, but I was still shooting in and around the X ring with good accuracy. Satisfied that the gun was shooting well I went to the basement and returned with an assortment of .177 pellets. Sitting at the 10 yard mark again I proceeded to take my time and carefully shoot five shot groups using RWS Superdomes, Beeman Crow Magnums, Crosman Premier Hollow Points, the Crosman pointed pellets again, and Gamo Rockets (ones with the bb in the tip).   I don't own a chronograph, wish I did, so I can't give any pellet speed data, but as far as accuracy goes here's what I found.  
       The best performing pellet out of the bunch was without a doubt the Gamo Rockets.  They shot the tightest groups and just tore the center out of the X ring.  They also penetrated the deepest into the 3/4 inch plywood target backing, much deeper than any of the other pellets.  The RWS Superdomes came in 2nd in the  accuracy and grouping category, however their plywood penetration was poor.  The Crosman pointed pellets basically gave the same accuracy and grouping as the superdomes, the groups were just a little wider, however the pointers did penetrate the plywood very well.  The CPHP's and the Crow Magnums were tied for last place, providing identical groupings and accuracy, however the crow magnums did more damage to the plywood, mushrooming very nicely upon impact. The CPHP's really didn't mushroom at all and penetrated the plywood poorly compared to the other pellets.  
      Having identified the Gamo Rockets as the pellet that the gun seemed to like the best I moved back to 20 yards and proceeded to shoot a couple of 5 shots groups with the rockets from my shooting bench, taking my time and really concentrating.  The results were excellent.  Tight groups, all in and around the X ring and the "Rockets" were still imbedding themselves deeply into the plywood.  I have a couple of other pellets I'd like to try out, one of them being the Gamo "Raptor" PBA ammo, but based on my short shooting session if I take aim at any "critters" with the 1377 it will be loaded with Gamo "Rockets" or Crosman Pointed (with the Rockets getting first preference).
        Another thng that became quite clear to me was the fact that I need to put some sort of scope or laser sighting system on the pistol due to my poor eye sight.  I can get by with the iron sights, especially if I touch up the tips of the sights with some of that flourescent shooting sight paint, but it would be much easier for me if I had a scope on the gun.  I am assuming I'd have to get a scope designed for a pistol, with long eye relief, but I really don't have a clue as to what kind to get.  If any of you have some suggestions I would really appreciate it.  I was also thinking about either a laser or a red dot sight, but since the gun only costs $50 I don't want to spend a fortune on a sighting system.  I plan on using the gun for target shooting and perhaps some small game at 20 yards and less, so whatever info you might have as far as a suggestion for scope/laser/red dot would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2006, 03:46:23 PM »
First off, thanks for the review.  I've been thinking of adding a pistol to the arsenal and have been eyeballing this one.  

Secondly, and please don't take offense, but paragraphs sure would make your review a lot easier to read......I have tired, old eyes as well and huge single paragraphs are a  bit hard for me to keep my place.

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2006, 07:24:57 PM »
Your point regarding paragraphs is well taken. I tried to edit the post as best as I could, but I had some problems and it didnt come out quite the way I wanted.  Anyway, hope it's a little easier to read now.
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Offline longislandhunter

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Crosman 1377c Review Part II
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2006, 12:07:25 PM »
Been looking online for the past few days at  laser and red dot sighting systems for my 1377 and finally decided to go with the Crosman model 290 red dot. Seemed like a decent, inexpensive red dot and appeared easy to adjust.  Planned on ordering the required "459 intermounts" and the red dot today, but on a lark decided to take a ride to Sports Authority and a small local gunshop to see if one of them might have the items in stock.  Well, Sports Authority had the red dot and the gun store had the intermounts so I picked them up and headed home.
     I explained in my original review that while the iron sights on the 1377 were very accurate, my eyes are simply not what they used to be and wearing glasses makes iron sights difficult for me, so I was really hoping that the red dot scope would work well for me.  Well, I was not disappointed one bit !!  Matter of fact I couldn't be happier with the results.
     After mounting the red dot on the gun I grabbed a tin of Gamo rockets (bb in the tip) and Copperhead Pointed pellets, since these had proved to be the 2 best performing pellets, and set up my shooting table and target at 10 yards to get the gun on paper.  I also grabbed a pack of the Gamo Raptor PBA ammo since I wanted to try them out and see how they shot.
     Got the gun/red dot on paper at 10 yards then moved back to 20 yards for final sight in with each of the three pellets.  As I had expected, the Gamo Raptors once again proved to be the best pellet, with the Copperhead pointers coming in second in group size.  What really surprised me was the accuracy of the Raptor PBA pellets.  Never having shot them before I didn't know what to expect, but with the first few shots I knew my little 1377 really liked them.   Below are pictures of the 3 targets I shot, each target being a 10 shot group at 20 yards  while seated at my shooting bench.  
     The gun is definately more accurate than I am.  While I am thrilled with the accuracy and group size that I shot today, I know that the groups would've even been tighter had it not been for my inexperience with a red dot scope and my hand "wobble".  I have no doubt if I put in practice time I'll be able to shrink these groups more.  I am totally thrilled with this pistol and can't wait to use it on some bunnies and squirrels at close range once the season open here.  Target pics follow....................................................


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RE: Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2006, 05:48:41 AM »

     I have a Simmons 2 x 20 pistol scope on mine and it works great. See my other post about the pistol and what mounts to use. Best of luck...


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RE: Crosman 1377c Review Part II
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 10:53:48 AM »

     Thanks for the review and that is some awfully good shooting. I have not tried the  " Raptor " pellets yet. I have some but I haven't worked up enough nerve to try them yet. I would love to have a set of plain walnut grips and forearm on mine. Did you notice any increase in noise with the " Raptors " ? Mine is a little loud with 10 pumps. A longer barrel and a workable muzzle brake would probably help mine. I have a shoulder stock but I have never used it. Thanks again...


Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Crosman 1377c Review Part II
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2006, 01:46:03 PM »
I didn't notice any difference in noise level when firing the "raptor" PBA pellets as compared to the others.  I bought the raptor pellets a long time ago but never used them in any of my springer rifles, but figured I'd try them out in the 1377 and see how they did.  I'm glad I tried them :)  As you can see by the target they shot really well. I wouldn't shoot them as a steady diet, especially since they're expensive, but I will definately use them while hunting bunnies and squirrels and see how they perform.  I wish I had a chrony so I could've determined what kind of speed they were giving me but I don't own one yet. Perhaps will get one around Christmas.

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Offline jims19

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Re: Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2010, 07:09:34 PM »

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Re: Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2010, 12:07:04 AM »
Great review on this capable little pistola Jeff. My 1377 has proved to be a accurate shooter with the capability to drop small game within and under a 20yrd range. Remember that G-hog that I dropped last summer at 15yrd's with a shot to the fusebox. I've thought about mounting a small scope on it but it's pretty darn accurate with open sight's if I do my part. :) Ed
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Re: Crosman 1377 .177 cal pistol
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2010, 12:08:47 AM »
Great review on this capable little pistola Jeff. My 1377 has proved to be a accurate shooter with the capability to drop small game within and under a 20yrd range. Remember that G-hog that I dropped last summer at 15yrd's with a shot to the fusebox. I've thought about mounting a small scope on it but it's pretty darn accurate with open sight's if I do my part. :) Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}