Author Topic: JG Airguns = Terrible  (Read 6817 times)

Offline gunsup0331

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JG Airguns = Terrible
« on: July 26, 2008, 06:15:46 AM »
Can be found at

Their main site seemed pretty Stand-Up to me, but the business end was a Joke

EXTREMELY SLOOW TURNAROUND: It took almost a week just to ship my order( One measly spring)

NICKEL AND DIMING:  Product prices were decent, but they wanted $12 to ship a Mainspring via USPS so i upgraded to Priority Mail (Est. 1-3days delivery)  for $2,
 THEN I got charged a $1 "Low Order Fee" which seems kind of ridiculous, if you want my dollar that badly then mark the charge "handling" or something, Jeesus
I checked the shipping prices online and it looks like i Paid about $4 more than it actually costs to ship.

I emailed them after 5 days and expressed my displeasure, nothing but a reply that said my order had been shipped.

 Its been 5 days again and no Package yet.

Long story short:  DONT BUY STUFF FROM THESE CONSUMMATE AIRCLOWNS. Unless you like waiting a very long, long time for "Priority Mail", and paying out the a$$ for the privilege of doing so.