Author Topic: Cobra Air Guns L.I.F.T #2 Outing Story & Pics  (Read 3808 times)

Offline Dave CAG

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Cobra Air Guns L.I.F.T #2 Outing Story & Pics
« on: August 04, 2008, 11:35:58 PM »

L.I.F.T. 7/27/08
Long Island Field Target

Well I called Joe Cuz at 6:45 to see if we were still on for a day of shooting because I was up since four and not only was it pouring rain but all I could hear is thunder !! But Joe was up and walking his dogs and he tells me that Rod is on his way.

 All their air rifles are $800 and up so if they are willing to take them out in the rain Shane and I were not going to wimp out. We were all meeting in Cobra Air guns parking lot at 8:00,
I pack just a few Air Rifles this time the day before. This outing Cobra decide not to bring PCPs the RWS 350 in .22, 52 in .22, Beeman RX2 in .22, Gold finger in .20 QB78 in 177 they we will be a lot of fun to shoot and if it starts to rain easy to pack up.

 Shane and I pulled into the parking lot and everyone was there and ready to go so with clouds still loaming over head off we went in hopes it would clear up!!

This is our second outing we had so much fun in the woods on our first outing that this time we just went straight to our little sanctuary in the woods. Cobra Air guns is trying to set up a nice spot at the Brookhaven Range that is away from the firearms because we found that when you are out for a day of airguns you like to talk, shot and exchange air guns with your buddies.

 We found that at the range when every one is shooting you can not talk and when there is a seize fire you can not pick up your air gun. The spot at the range should be where they have the archery set up and it is away from the main part of the range it is a little over 50 yards. If we can work this out we will start having regular schedule outings like twice a month with an open invitation to all.

The rain stopped so we set up our little range that has improved since our last outing having a better idea of what we need. Again we have to thank Jeff LongIslandHunter for showing this great spot to Joe Cuz.

 Well with the range set up this time we brought some actual field targets and set them at 35 yards and 43 yards. Of course there was shotgun shells stuck in the dirt, Rod's oil can set out at 65 yards and some tanks out at 75. And over on the side we put a full size target at 45 yard for sighting in.

 Just as we started to take aim down range you could thunder real close the wind picked up we started to pack all the rifles as fast as we could in the middle of scrambling around down came the rain. But we made it in time!! Well after sitting in the cars for about 10 minutes it stopped as fast as it came. It was only about 10:00 so we dried everything off and settled down again for some shooting.

This is a picture of the range I know it is hard to see but we forgot the camera and all the pictures were taken with my cell phone but I must say their not bad at all.


In the front you can see a Skid that we found and named the range placed in memory of our long lost friend
and air gun buddy Jeff the longislandhunter in hopes that he will join us one day soon.

 If you look close at the end behind the targets the road continues a long way into the woods and this
where they go for their hunting trips. This day they went out for about 20 minutes and only ran across 2 birds
no pics sorry. I think they had a nice walk about thou

We were joined by new members on this outing Amhed and Hasan from Staten Island. Amhed has a good collection of spingers and PCPs but this day he brought his Hammerli X2 and a large cooler of soda Thanks again Amhed.

 Hasan was shooting his Beeman RS3 Dual-Caliber and took out a small bird with a great head shot. I think they had a nice day out and it was great to have them there I hope they make the next one.

Kenny broke out his SLR 98 carbine we all took a few shots man that gun is sweet!!!!

Joe had his Theoben Eliminator out buy the end of the day I must say it was between Joe cuz
and Shane for the sharp shooter of the day even though they were shooting .20 Caliber
the squirrel field targets did not have a chance!!
Shane was having a great time with the Beeman Goldfinger .20 Caliber. not only with targets but also
split a dragon fly in half at 20 yards.

I tried all the guns I brought and was having the best luck with the RWS 350 .22 tuned by CharlieDaTuna. I missed my Theoben Crusader .20 I sent it out to Dave Slade for a full tune it will be ready for the next outing.

We came up with a new way to amuses our self's Rod's oil can is made of heavy steal and at 65 yards all you hear is ding and it dose not move. So what if you hit it with 7 air rifles at once well we all loaded up and took aim on the count of three fire it was perfect all seven pellets hit at once the can went right over. It was kind of like a firing squad we tried it later in the day and it took three tries next outing I will get pictures of the can there is a lot dents init but no holes.
Of course Rod brought his Theobens in .25 caliber his oil can didn't have a chance and the Crosman 250 that Tonya used last outing it looks a lot like a 2250 but it has adjustable power and a full tune we did not set up the chronograph this time but it was smoken!!

 All in All it was a great day I am glad we did not let the rain stop us thanks to Rod's persistence and telling us that it was going to be a nice day we may not of went and he was right.

 Shane and I had to leave early about 12:30 there was a party thatwe had to attend as we pulled out of the woods the wind pick up one mile down the road lighting with a heavy down pour. From what Joe told me they pack up right after we left and went back to Cobra Air Guns where Hasan add to his collection by picking up a Walther Falcon in .22 caliber a nice choice

Dave CAG

L.I.F.T. : Long Island Field Target
Web site: Cobra Air Guns

Each Air Gun should have a purpose it is not all about velocity or power its
about walking away after a day of shooting,Smiling looking down and saying
"God I Love this rifle"

Offline longislandhunter

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RE: Cobra Air Guns L.I.F.T #2 Outing Story & Pics
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 12:44:48 AM »
Great post and pics Dave !!!  Glad to hear that spot is working out well :)

I would've tried to make the shoot but I didn't know it was planned  :(      but then I have only been popping in and out of GTA lately so I probably just missed the post.  Anyway,,,,, even if I have to call in sick to work I'm gonna make the next shoot cause it looks like you guys are just having to much fun to miss out on  :)

Again,,,, great post and pics ,,,, I really enjoyed them  :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"

Offline Dave CAG

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Re: Cobra Air Guns L.I.F.T #2 Outing Story & Pics
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 02:44:14 AM »

Hi Jeff
Sorry I missed you the last time you stop by but as you know life has a habit of getting in the way
Our next shoot will most likely be at Brookhaven Range in the archery area I will be sure to post and PM you
it would be great to have you there!!

Dave CAG

L.I.F.T. : Long Island Field Target
Web site: Cobra Air Guns

Each Air Gun should have a purpose it is not all about velocity or power its
about walking away after a day of shooting,Smiling looking down and saying
"God I Love this rifle"

Offline longislandhunter

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Re: Cobra Air Guns L.I.F.T #2 Outing Story & Pics
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 06:00:08 AM »
Thanks Dave,,, I'll be looking forward to it  !!     :)

\"If it was easy it wouldn\'t be hunting, it would be shopping.\"