Author Topic: ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ THIS  (Read 23818 times)

Offline Big_Bill

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« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2008, 05:50:07 AM »

I find it hard to believe that the members of this forum can not comprehend the message Bob has posted.

If the device changes the sound output, and does not come from the factory that way, do not mention it on the forum. It will be deleted.

Read the forum RULES and Please comply with them. The GTA FORUMS ARE A GREAT PLACE TO BE ! So Please keep it that way !

Now Please END this Squabbling.


Life Member of The United States of America
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Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline yourdaddyjoe

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« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2008, 06:37:44 PM »
I searched “Muzzle Brake” across the whole ATF site and found no references.

Here is the Rule that some are quoting and getting mixed up in terminology. A “Muzzle Brake” is not a “$ilent$er”.

(M30) Are Paintball and/or Airgun
S ound Suppressers NFA firearms?
The terms "firearm $ilent$er" and
"firearm muffler" mean any device for
silencing, muffling, or diminishing the
report of a portable firearm, including
any combination of parts, designed or
redesigned, and intended for use in
assembling or fabricating a firearm
$ilent$er or firearm muffler, and any
part intended only for use in such
assembly or fabrication.
Numerous paintball and airgun $ilent$er
tested by ATF’s Firearms
Technology Branch have been determined
to be, by nature of their design
and function, firearm $ilent$er.
Because $ilent$er are NFA weapons,
an individual wishing to manufacture
or transfer such a $ilent$er must receive
prior approval from ATF and
pay the required tax. See Questions
M15 and 16 for application details.
If I have any further questions as
to the classification of a paintball
or airgun $ilent$er, who should I
c ontact?
Please send a written request to
ATF’s Firearms Technology Branch.
[18 U.S.C. 921(a)(24), 26 U.S.C. 5845(a),
27 CFR 479.11]
Page 190

ATF Reference:

Please pay attention to the last sentence in “Legality”.
•   1 Terminology
•   2 Concept
•   3 Construction
•   4 Utility
o   4.1 Advantages of muzzle brakes
o   4.2 Disadvantages of muzzle brakes
•   5 Legality
•   6 See also
•   7 References
•   8 External links

Offline shadow

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« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2008, 12:11:47 AM »
It's about a passion for airgun's , tuning,hunting, target practice and modding em. We take all that and share it with the GTA family freely and it's been that way since the start of this GREAT FORUM. :) I've never got caught up in the politic's and term's of muzzlebrakes and other object's that will not be mentioned on this GREAT FORUM. :) You see when one get's wrapped up in this they could be out shootin oor hunting instead of  testing the water's of GTA's rules. It's very simple really read the rules, please don't gloss over them just to join. This is a ONE OF A KIND PLACE! with alot of GREAT  and helpfull guy's and gal's and we WELCOME all who have the passion for airgun's and want to be part of something special. Family, that's what we are and it's family that really count's . :) GTA is A GREAT PLACE TO BE!!!!!!! and when you join this GREAT PLACE remember your part of something GREAT and we hope that it's treated as such. :) Ok everyone get out and shoot your babies, AIN'T THIS A GREAT PLACE TO BE!!!!!!!!!! :)  :D  8) Ed
I airgun hunt therefore I am... };)  {SHADOWS Tunes & Camo}

Offline Big_Bill

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« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2008, 03:51:17 AM »

Hello Joe,

You have posted a partial definition by the ATF. It states that any item that changes, alters, or quiets the report of a weapon. Now many people call these devices by many, many names, some call them MuzzleBreaks, and some, LDC's, while others call them "muzzle breaks". Any item that changes the report of a weapon is not welcome here ! And will be deleted....

Call them what you will, but if they fall into the above category, they are illegal, and are not allowed to be discussed here.

The GTA IS A GREAT PLACE TO BE, LETS MAKE IT BETTER, The GTA Family are GREAT People, and I know want a GREAT FORUM to call home !

It's no imposition of anyone, to watch their language and refrain talking about items that change the report of any weapon or airgun.

Remember, with the law, you can buy an illegal item, and be charged for possession of it. Ignorance of the Law is NO excuse, ever ! So I would watch out for airguns that come with these devices, as they may be illegal, by the LAW ! DO YOU FEEL LUCKY TODAY?


Life Member of The United States of America
Life Member of the National Rifle Association
Member Air Guns Addicted Anonymous
Always Use A Spring Compressor ! and Buy the GREAT GRT-III & CBR Triggers, cause they are GRRRREAT !

Offline yourdaddyjoe

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« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2008, 04:17:52 AM »

Again... Terminology... like calling all soft drinks "Cokes"... I posted the definition from Wikipedia to help the family members know there is a difference. Look at Bob's = Charlie's 2nd post in this thread.

I was hoping that other family members here would look at the rules and make an educated decision ending "Ignorance" as you state. The link provided in my former post would help clear things up. It leads to the ATF site which is in PDF format and searchable.

I also found out that if you use the word Silence*. the software to this forum automaticly changes it to muzzlebrak*. Hence causing more confusion. I simply copied and pasted the ATF M30 Question and ruling and the Forum Software changed every instance of "Silence*" to "Muzzlebrak*.  It's like using a online translator... They change the words and sometimes get it wrong and then you loose the full meaning of the phrase and point you were translating.

Again... Apples v. Oranges. + the added confusion of miscommunication via automatic editing software.... = Mass Confusion and bad tempers.

“Ain’t this a great place to be”. and yes... sometimes family members don't see eye to eye.